Cant enter test of time
I am unsure if this classifies as a bug
this was a lvl77 djinn of barya with 4 trials. it disconnected me when i tried to enter after killing the 3rd boss. every time i log in to try and enter it again i get this message i guess there is no fix? Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 8:45:42 PM
Getting exactly the same thing.
I was having the same problem until just now.
I went back to the login screen. Logged back in and ran up to the podium you put the token into. Clicked on it to rejoin and was given a choice of starting room for the 4th trial as if I clicked on the portal. Chose my room and clicked enter, I loaded into the 4th trial like normal. Hopefully it will work for you too now. |
it gave me that option the first time it happened. but when i chose my room i just got the error again. now it wont even go that far. i disconnect as soon as i enter the door from the beginning