Nice job devs here is what i think and some suggestions

Lets keep it brief i haven't had this much fun since D2
Would be nice to stop disconnecting randomly.
The audio is great, music is starting to grow on me.
when a legendary item drops it is very underwhelming, i am not asking for a light beacon and confetti but would be nice to have a shiny 'here dummie' visual aspect.
The option for separate loot in party is not working well, make it a real thing please.
most of the cosmetics are more than 300, that is so supicious.
bring the cool ones down a little please.

i already sold the game to 3 people, behave and i will bring more.
the voice acting is surprisingly good.

highly suggest implementing remote play together, i have friends who aren't gonna buy this.
Nice job so far.
Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 6:02:06 PM

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