+1 Oneshot Deaths and Trials

It has been said multiple times so I just +1 this here real quick:

1. Maps

It is outright infuriating and demotivating to die to ground effects you can't see and which oneshot you despite having maxed resiastance (besides chaos).

What I wish to see:
-Let me reattempt the map, even if the attempts are limited.
-Let me get the loot I couldn't collect.
-Don't erase the map modifiers

And maybe this is a me-problem, but I have a hard time finding higher tier Waystones. Even in a tier 12 map I get tier 4 to 7 drops. So I would love to see them drop more consistantly. (Yes, I upgrade my waystones)

2. Trials

I am sitting on multiple trial tokens because I refuse to do them with the current system. I did 2 acendancy trials with my Infernalist. I tried the 3rd twice and always died at the last boss due to a poison tick that nullified my remaining honour within a heartbeat.

Don't have a suggestion how to "salvage" this but doing an hour long repetetive gauntlet with subpar loot only to be put back at the beginning because of a missed dodge is not motivating.

That beeing said: I enjoy the game. I have 137 hours in it and I am looking forward to the stuff to come.

Last bumped on Jan 6, 2025, 2:35:11 PM
As a hardcore player... you shouldnt be dying at all in maps. You shouldnt be getting hit in the trials. Just get better, its not a game for super noobs that cant even do a sekhema without getting hit. I did sekhema as melee and never got hit a single time, except at the very end.

Its rediculous that we are going through the whole game and maps and not dying once and you are dying like every map enough to come here complaining.
are you using honor resist relics? They stack up to 75% and basically remove the honor mechanic entirely. I haven't had any problem with a trial on summoner infernalist, just did my 4th ascendancy first try, my gear isn't that good I just got a +4 minion level scepter, +2 helm, capped resists, no movespeed boots, cost maybe 100ex total, shredding the boss with about 200k dps although that's with dagger boon for +50% damage

once you get your ascendancies, if you set up altered flesh and the beidats nodes correctly on a life/es hybrid you become extremely tanky and should be very hard to kill in t15 maps

the trick to sustaining high tier waystones is juicing on boss nodes. Use trash maps to travel to boss nodes, looking especially for boss nodes that are irradiated or corrupted, and then run your most juiced corrupted waystone on that node and the boss is extremely likely to drop multiple higher tier maps
With a full group I sometimes find it hard to find my player or the boss never mind notice any signs of an impending attack/ effect. The player visual effects for attacks need to be toned down so we can actually see things.

The trials are just too long and too boring boring. they are a lot easier on some builds than others I dont do them at all till I'm around lvl 70 just not worth the waste of time to possibly fail them when I can spend that time getting new levels. Its as if they gave the design job to someone who hates the players and he said lets make it as frustrating and random as possible. Who thought it was a good idea to put multiple random debuffs on you then wipe you out, not when you die but when you get hit a few times too often.

I was not a big fan of the origional labrynth either, I used to respec my character to make it a bit easier get my ascendencies undo the respec and never go back again.

PS: Its a game not a job or carreer its supposed to be fun, challenging and entertaining not frustrating and boring with random sudden deaths.
As a hardcore player... you shouldnt be dying at all in maps. You shouldnt be getting hit in the trials. Just get better, its not a game for super noobs that cant even do a sekhema without getting hit. I did sekhema as melee and never got hit a single time, except at the very end.

Its rediculous that we are going through the whole game and maps and not dying once and you are dying like every map enough to come here complaining.

What i read from you : "i'm an elitist who only play the hardest difficulty and i have no trouble, praise me"

Seriously, you alerdy got your special relic to do no-hit sanctum, you alerdy got your special unique drop if you do that too. No need to punish the casual player who simply want to have fun. And "you shouldn't die at all in maps"? what is that even suppose to mean. MANY. MAAAANY people are complaining about on death effect, they give literaly >ZERO< benefit or fun factor or difficulty. Just a cheap bullshit trap because you didn't wait for 5 second after you kill an elite, which only slow you down.

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