POE 2 Direct X12 bugs

Hi there simply to notify that when you launch the game and you had the DX12 as settings i have an 3070 ti and i don't know why but i got stuck on the little engine loading thing . ( the one appear before you can select log on then you saw you're Characters ).

i have to go into the folder of the game and change to Dx11 to be able to log in my account then i can change to DX12 is there something you guys can do to fix it ?
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 10:03:11 PM
I’m also having the same issue. I have a 4070 Ti, and the only game that keeps crashing and closing over time is PoE. I understand the reason, but if I launch the game with DirectX 12, it won’t start and gets stuck, like a freeze. I need to launch it with DirectX 11 and switch to 12 inside the game to keep playing.

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