Think Im Tapping out

I think it has been reworked - The fog never seems to time out unless you run out of it, but there is language that describes the fog "Dissipating" faster or slower -

Delirium monsters spawning are invisible and invulnerable, and can push your character to a corner and become active - giving you hardly any time to react - bad gameplay

Delirium used to be my favorite buff - I used to open maps and if i did not see a mirror i would leave and just open a new map. I no longer bother popping them because of the spawning mechanics besides that the rewards suck

On Death
On Death Effects need to be re-worked - When killing rare monsters you have the Corruption animation that does no damage - but it covers up on death animations monsters may have. and they also pop right after the corruption animation ends.

Atlas / Maps
MIRE / Augury are the worst maps ever - The switch time on Augury makes no sense, and Mire being a huge map maze is just not fun - besides missing a rare and having to run all the way across to get it to complete a map feels crappy

One death and you lose all your drops in a map - you lose all your juice - Feels bad

The atlas is way too wide - I clear maps to open areas to farm with friends - then i have to search for the area so we can run what i just opened up.

Juicing maps with towers - its a cool concept - but it misses - it causes you to take long pauses in farming to clear areas and get ready to run. Its annoying to have to run "trash" to set up farming.

Things pop - some do damage some dont - I wish it was easy to tell what was what -

Rendering issues
i have freezing issues where my computer - This happens during massive encounters / breeches - I get more frame loss on specific maps - Lowering quality makes no difference.
Sometimes tiles on the map render as transparent -

The POE had a "yellow" or "Blue" hue to special monsters - in POE 2 - they seem like any other monster.

Delirium monsters get bugged on rare occasions, you will pop mirror and the Emotion's will not gain charges. (Happened when i killed a rare monster right as hitting the mirror)

Final note -

I think i have to stop investing time into this game - i cant stand trying to farm and then taking massive breaks to setup the atlas so i can farm again.

I want to play what i want to play - not be forced to play maps im not into. that in combination to having moments where my game freezes and then i end up dead takes the fun out of the game.

I look forward to this game - Great work so far !

Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 7:29:20 PM

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