The possible reason behind “Random 1 shots”?

I believe the monster dmg is being inflated by map mods in an unscalable state.

My theory is that if a no mod map has a rare monster with added fire you’re dealing with a “Monster dmg + Fire dmg.”

However, If you get a map mod with -say added lightning dmg you would expect dmg calc to be something like “Monster dmg + Fire dmg + Lighning dmg” with fire and lightning being based on monster dmg such as the old “Added fire” support gemc- but i believe that’s not actually the case.

Instead it’s going something like “(Monster dmg+Lightning dmg) + added fire dmg which is based on monster dmg giving it an inflated dmg count. Due to the monster dmg being scaled with lightning dmg as the new “Monster flat dmg” to scale monster mobs from. It’s actually possible it double dips applying the map mod-Then applying it in the first example while it’s scaled from increased dmg.

The result is seeing a hynea spear man with added chaos and no map mods hit me for around 900. But running a 1-3 tier higher map with added fire results those monsters with added chaos hitting for 5k (2.5k doubled vs es) per spear throw.

Of course i could be wrong but i was very careful with my map selection in HC and that was the only reason i could think of as to why a single dmg mod on a map and a magic monster with a single dmg mod could deal so much dmg
Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 10:11:25 AM
OK, but wait till you get 1 shotted from a corpse explosion from off screen.
I've died 2 times at level 92 from off screen corpse explosions.

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