Trial of Sekhemas 3 boss (scorpion) got stuck past the exit door and was untargetable

Trial could not be continued as boss encounter was perma stuck. Boss disappeared, then reappeared past the exit door (kinda partially clipping into it). Attacks could no longer hit the boss, and the boss took no more actions. Trial dead!
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 9:57:19 AM
I've had this happened before.
Best solution.
Click character selection. It'll save your progress right then and there. Meaning all hits you had taken during the fight before the bug. Then reclick your character, and you go back and fight the boss starting from the beginning.

it happened to me when boss at 1% HP!
i started with 5k honor now only <1k honor
how can i repeat with what i got left and boss full HP again?

DEV please fix this by returning the honor also!
This is still happening. I was able to character select out and back in but all the honor i had lost was gone and the Scorpion was back at max health...

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