Just died to a corpse explosion at lvl 85 in HC
To start- I do like the concept of on death effects.
However, There was no warning that the corpse was going to explode. I open a map and move through 2 packs-running into several “Normal” Cultist Daggernen. I’m playing ember Fusilage converted to cold dmg as a chronomancer so i don’t click through packs with zoom zoom speed by any means. I kill the cultists and by the time I notice purple underneath me-They explode killing my 1.5k hp 5k es chromancer without warning. These kind of mechanics are typically balanced through damage regulation or a tag to let the player know. These particular corpse explosions have neither and hit twice as hard. Please add a tag for on death effects onto mobs including “Normal” mobs or decrease the damage to allow it to finish off injured players Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 5:41:33 AM
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" That's not a bad idea. Right now we just have to memorize all the mobs which is easier for slower builds and not fast builds. I guess give and take. Eat your vegetables.
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Its funny because we just had a patch in POE 1 that already addressed this and gave a big indicator that oh shit....that corpse is likely deadly af.
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Ive encountered this one a lot on my necro build.
It seems to be another mob doing this. The name escapes me right now but its one of the cultist casters belonging to the Ferudin. A Lich or something like that. He can blow up corpses and does so with impunity, targeting my minions. They then get bloated with a purple outline as an indicator but keep fighting for a few seconds until they decide to rush towards me moments before they explode. Based on the outlines color the explosion seems to deal chaos dmg and I bet your chronomancer wasnt anywhere near capped. So thats pretty much a guaranteed RIP if my assumptions are correct. It would also mean a tagline wouldnt do much, because its not a passive mob ability. Its quite likely you couldnt spot the caster because the LoS was obstructed by trees or huts or roofs or whatever else. But this guy was somewhere on the edge of the screen, close enough to spot the corpses and cast his ability. |
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" I'm on softcore and this is basically the only thing I'm dying to. I really hope the on-death effects will be nerfed... It takes away the fun of mapping for me as a melee monk with 2,2k hp, 4,5k es, full resistances, 86% evasion and 79% armour physical dmg reduction. I have tried to build a tanky monk and it survives most monster and boss encounters but die to on-death effects... so much for "And protect me from harm..."... Sorry for sounding salty, it's because I am. Please nerf the damage of on-death effects. Last edited by Glassigt#6235 on Jan 4, 2025, 7:56:40 AM
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Level 92 full res capped and can kill any boss I've faces easily.
I can't level due to dying from off screen corpse explosions. Feel like rage quitting. Dumbest mechanic GGG has ever thought of. |
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does anyone know if GGG actually play test their games on HC?
ign: PhaseCharge
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