crumbling walls atlas breach passive

I've done about 20 maps in a row and this passive doesn't seem to be working anymore? I know its 15%, 5% and 2% chance to get extra breaches but I had multiple breaches in maps and it suddenly stopped working and i've only been getting one each map. Is this a bug or just real crappy RNG? Anyone experiencing the same since like yesterday?
Last bumped on Feb 27, 2025, 6:53:26 PM
ive tested this im at 20 maps and all only have 1 breach. Were you using additional breach tablets?
On some i was and others I wasnt. It’s just weird because it was fine and all the sudden none of my maps had more than a single breach. I’ve gotten a few maps with 2 breaches since so I guess it’s just bad RNG. No 3+ breach maps though. Just got to the point where it felt bugged.
In the last 2 days I have done 30+ maps now with Crumbling Walls and I have gotten only 1 map with 2 breach. There is no way this is RNG , this is a bug. Before I have been getting tons and tons 2 breach and 4 breach maps. Something is not right and I dont know what..

Could it be that the more breach tablets you stack the less breaches you get?

Did you find a solution to this?
Last edited by Xeqtana#3672 on Jan 16, 2025, 6:05:46 AM
So I got my first 2 points for breaches. Did spend those points in Crumbling walls.
I got over 8 breaches in a single map...

ps, video was made for a friend. He said it is near impossible to get so many?
Not sure if that is true

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