Shader Spikes

For nearly 2 weeks the game has been having severe shader spike issues occurring. I am not the only one experiencing it and it really just ruins the game experience. Constant lag and stuttering resulting in deaths and loss of resources pointlessly. Tried everything possible every setting possible, drivers shader clear etc and nothing works.Died 6 times to shader spikes today alone and i am fed up trying to put up with it. This was not happening 12 days ago. Dying in trials and on map and losing time and xp and resources is just not gona cut it in POE2 because you made it a max punishment game. I am quite disappointed, gona stay away until fixes are done.
Last bumped on Jan 5, 2025, 2:43:58 AM
Same with me. Shader spikes every, SINGLE, map. Every single portal. Since when do games not pre load shaders once and be done. I've spent hours researching and tried every "potential" fix I could.
Every time you start a map, and every time an event starts like strong boxes or breach/delirium/expedition/rituals.

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