Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear permanently stuck in inventory.

I have Quest Item Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear stuck in my inventory.

After getting to end game, I went back to Cruel Act 3 to kill her for the + spirit buff which I missed during the campaign play through.

At the same time I also picked up the spear and I don't have a quest to hand it in so it's just sat permanently in my inventory taking up 6 slots.
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 10:57:20 PM
You should be able to talk to Servi in the Ziggurat Encampment for that quest. Or just drop it anywhere outside of town/hideout.
Thanks but sadly talking to Servi doesn't have the quest. Also can't drop it. I have tried lots of different locations. :-(
Having this bug as well. Any resolution found?
same problem, cant get rid of the stupid thing
Yeah same problem here. Really annoying seeing as you already have a quite limited inventory..
I can help you with this issue.

If the spear is in your inventory and you can't go back to act 3 Ziggurat Encampment because you are in past time try this:

0: Ask a friend to head to jungle ruins / trials of chaos and teleport to them.
(those areas do not exist in past time so you be forced into present time)
1: Head to Trials of Chaos
2: Head to the Jungle Ruins
3: Find Ziggurat Encampment by foot, which is usually somewhere on the south side
4: Enter Ziggurat Encampment
5: Talk to Servi who is located near the stash.

After that you notice there is no waypoint in act 3, and you don't want to go back to past time do this:

1: Leave the town on the west side to the: Sandswept Marsh
2: Create a Town portal
3: Enter the town portal
4: Head to the waypoint who is near the town portal and get out of there!

Gl and have fun on your grind! Hope this has been helpful!
This helped ty. I didnt need another person though. I just warped to Jungle and walked to the camp.
If you have already completed the task and obtained the spirit, but you can't return to the camp where you submitted the task, and the quest item is occupying six slots in your inventory, it's simple: just walk out of the town or hideout, choose any map, open your backpack, drag the quest item (Ignagduk's Ghastly Spear) out and drop it on the ground, done!

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