unfair advantage to the market due to these dupers wipe the server so we can all start fresh.
As it stands now
This hotfix does NOTHING but drive the prices up further if you didnt get your gear within the 1st week, you will never get your gear because of the hyper inflation due to the dupers. Any gear worth using is now at minimum 1 div, and its goes up to 700+ div for a decent gear piece. Some people will say craft your own gear. Well its all interconnected because the massive resource yoyu need to craft your gear cant be farmed well without better gear. To give an example. Im level 81 atm and I have a whopping 18 exalted orbs-- thats it. they rarely drop-- and im doing 10s waystone questline atm. I had forty two exalted orbs, but spent 24 orbs on skill gems to make them three slot then used vaal orbs to try to make ONE, and yes ONE GEM a 4 slot gem. You know how many 24 exalted orbs and 24 vaal orbs got me? ZERO 4 slot.-- and thats for ONE GEM. So here I am at level 81 and im geared like im level thrity-- because NOTHING good ever drops from mobs. I cant upgrade my toon because the gear I would normally buy costs multiple DIVS which i cant even get becasue the dupers have been ALLOWED TO RUIN THE ECONOMY and we are only about about three weeks in. The hotfix isnt a cure. Wipe the servers so we can all start on even footing, and ban the dupers and farmers who did this-- and we have a pretty good idea who they are. Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 1:38:30 PM
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Won't happen, and your dreaming if you think it will. Game won't reset until after launch. Not only because the game is slow as hell and it takes many many hours to get through the campaign, but also because thats kind of the point of early access. It's to iron out shit like this and figure it out and fix it so it doesnt corrupt the game launch. I agree it sucks but if you wanted a cleaner experience you should have waited for the official launch and saved your money or waited for the first league launch.
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Once the game is released there will be a full reset. The "disadvantage" is only there while EA is a thing.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team." top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile" |
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they already stated in the most recent livestream theres a new season coming shortly, and im glsad for it.
the fact that so many people somehow have 1000s of divines is making it so that regular people cant gear themselves. I wouldnt have an issue with this IF I could craft meaningful gear. However, the crafting system here is super rng and the chances of you adding prefixes and suffixes to gear that are truly impactful are slim to none, while the dropped items NEVER are worthwhile |
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