Quick fixes list

Hey team,
Aside from larger overhauls which take more time, I think there are many quick fix opportunities that can be cranked out quickly. Perhaps the community can also add more in the replies. My list, in no particular order:

1. Make town portals not vanish unless you use them to teleport back to the zone. While the user is not logged out, keep the zone instance open as if the player is still in the area.
2. For multithreading: set a max CPU load or CPU core allocation at 90% or n-1. This fixes most of the computer crashes in the experience of many on the forum, Reddit and folks I’ve spoken about this on Discord.
3. In ascendancy trials (not non-ascendancy sanctum etc), reaching zero honor doesn’t kill you, it just sets keys, water and boss drops to zero. Players can still get ascendancy points this way, while also learning that there are serious consequences with respect to losing all honor.
4. Make death not cost experience. All other penalties can be assessed for adjustment separately.
5. Rarity stat does not affect currency drops.
6. Ability to respec ascendancies. Pick a gold cost of your choosing. Suggestion: 2x-5x the cost of a single ascendancy node.
7. Armor calculation: whatever the calculation is, adjust that by a significant factor.
8. Sniper skeleton spirit cost: the spirit cost at low levels drop significantly per level, but the initial costs feel prohibitive. Just start it a bit lower so we can have slightly more than 1-2 snipers in SSF over the course of act 1.
9. When creating a new character, use the keybinds of generic things like potions and dodge like on the last played character.
10. Add more checkpoints to Azak Bog, and reduce map size by 30%.
11. In endgame, guarantee a citadel to spawn every X zones.
12. Make uncut skill gems of the same type & size stackable.
13. For Act 2 final boss, guarantee the NPC to spawn into the fight before the first sandstorm.
14. Add a visual confirmation when activating/receiving the permanent 10% lightning res buff in act 2.
15. Make map drops in maps roll only the level of that map +/- 3.
16. Increase drops for omens (do they even exist in PoE2?)
17. Increase spawn rate for essence events.
Last edited by TheBalrogslayer#7574 on Jan 3, 2025, 3:26:22 PM
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 1:29:53 AM

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