Witch Hunter Endgame Armour Piercing Rounds, Armour Break Explosion & Fire Pops w/ Ignite, T15+
Do you want to shoot fast?
Do you want to break the armour of hordes and enemies and watch them burn to piles of ashes? Then I have the build for you. Presenting my lvl 91 Witchhunter Mercenary Endgame Armour Piercing Rounds, Armour Break Explosion & Fire Pops w/ Ignite Build. Cheap, Starter, Good Map Clear, FIRE, Shooting, More Shooting, no melee Shooting, No spells Shooting, Ballista Shooting, Burning those Heretical ENEMIES TO ASH!! The Build link: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/planner/dmvfu0vu The Build Video: https://youtu.be/rYRaoAeC7-U Skill gems:
Skill gems: Armour Piercing Rounds: Mobility, Fire InFusion, Armour Explosion, Fresh Clip, Martial Tempo Oil Grenade: Magnified Effect, Second Wind, Exploit Weakness, Scattershot High-Velocity Rounds: Longshot/Hourglass, Inevitable Critical, Brutality, Heft Emergency Reload: Premeditation, Ingenuity Ripwire Ballista: Ironwood, Ancestral Urgency, Lockdown **Aura Supports can be moved around as needed to try different Aura's Banner, Buffs, etc** WindDance: Unbreakable, Precision, Herbalism Herald of Ash: Persistence Attrition: Clarity, Vitality, Cannibalism Snipers Mark This build focuses on fast attack speed to break armor to create an armor explosion causing fire damage to explode groups, spreading fire damage, and igniting enemies. We use (don't spam) Oil grenades to crowd control and debuff the target's fire resistance while consuming armor breaks for extra damage, allowing us to rebreak armor to complete the cycle again on packs or tougher monsters. Scattershot support is used with Oil Grenade to cover entire packs in Oil, this is needed since we are not spamming grenades. Exploit Weakness is also used on Oil Grenade to consume Armour Break for extra damage, and the chance to reapply Armour Break for another Armour Explosion. This is very useful on tougher enemies and should be considered a core part of the rotation. High Velocity Rounds are used as a finisher on rares below 35% HP or during boss fights to boost damage via consuming armor break, this ability is not spammed, aim well and use it correctly for some satisfying Rare assassination. Thoughts: Pros: 1. I like this build, it is fast and smooth when Armour Piercing rounds reach 15+ attacks per second. The map clearing is decent with armour break pops + herald of Ash overkill rolling ignites. The pops feel crispy and satisfying. 2. Plenty of AoE options: Armour break, Herald of Ash, Oil Grenades, WH ascendancy Zealous Inquisition. 3. Decent defense layers with Oil grenades, ripwire ballista, Scavenge Plating, Sorcery Ward, and Evasion. Cons: 1. Some limited boss damage opportunities due to: High-Velocity rounds: In my opinion, this skill needs a rework. It doesn't feel impactful enough to be tagged as a Payoff skill. As I mentioned in the video, reloading and switching ammo in the Endgame is very sketchy and when you are the most likely to die. Currently, I think HVR does not 'Payoff" this risk vs reward. 2. A minor con is armor, evasion scaling, as mentioned by other players and builds. ES/EV shines over Armor. And Sorcery Ward currently scales better with Evasion. Neutral, random thoughts. 1. Fire Scaling, rolling ignite, elemental damage. I think this is an opportunity but may not currently be available due to missing parts of the game. (Or maybe I just don't see how to build it correctly) I plan to do a variant of the build as a Warbringer, to explore Anvil's Weight & Imploding Impacts with Armour Piercing Rounds This is my first big Poe build, let me know what you guys think and where the build can be approved. Last edited by apachefx#0164 on Jan 4, 2025, 8:18:33 PM Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 6:48:11 PM
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Added skill gems and explained scattershot support & Exploit Weaknes use. Reserved for future updates.
Last edited by apachefx#0164 on Jan 4, 2025, 8:11:08 PM
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Can you share some leveling tips for the build? Mainly with skill/support gems? Did you play armor pierce/high velocity rounds the entire time once you get them? I'm only level 10 ish and the damage feels REALLY bad with APR. Is this not SSF viable?
Have you considered scattershot on high velocity rounds for more burst when armour is broken? Scattershot makes HVR shoot 3 times instead of once. Last edited by Karved#1420 on Jan 6, 2025, 9:31:03 AM
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Culling Strike is applied after damage is dealt, so wouldn't Herald of Ash not work since there is not Overkill?
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" Herald of Ash is working. I have tested it numerous times. I believe the damage application is: Decimation, HIT+Armour Break, Armour Explosion POP which OVERKILLS, extra DMG below 35% life (low life) then culling strike. I tested this by doing maps by; justrunning Armour Explosion, just HoA, and then combined. |
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