Trial of Sekhema Dupe Sessions. (Bug ID: 4,204,742,228)
After Patch still able to create multiple session to the same boss fight (i tried with a cheap low level coin for first boss):
How to repeat? Step 1 Get to the room before boss. and then leave trial on the table. Step 2 Click enter on coin table to open the entrance and go to waypoint. Step 3 go to Ardura Caravan via Waypoint and open Waypoint and Ctrl+Click Trial of Sekhema and open a New Session. Step 4 Repeat step 2&3 to create as many sessions as you like Step 5 go to the first session on the list (the last on the bottom). Kill boss and grab loot then Portal out and go to the next until all sessions done. Step 6 Congrats you just made your account viable for a Ban. (If i get banned for this even tho i gained nothing from it but the knowledge of how to replicate to report it here... Fuck me ig.) I deleted all of the relics & items received from 1st Boss. Also this doesn't allow you to re-enter reward room after the first kill but boss is killable for as many sessions as you have open. Last bumped on Jan 2, 2025, 6:44:33 PM