Sudden Disconnection ONLY during Chaos Trial


This issue is now getting to the point of breaking my game experience, I have been disconnected during trial of chaos more than multiple times! I lost my 4th ascendancy and many attempts because of this problem.

My connection is all well and fine but for some reason I get disconnected. at first I get random crashes now I get sudden disconnection.

My PC:

Windows 10/11
Ryzen 9 5950X
3080ti 12gb
32gb RAM DDR4
2tb NVME SSD with 500gb free disk space
250mbps Internet connection Australia SA (Oceana)
Not using VPN.

Top end PC, Never crashes during Maps e.g Delirium nor Breach. Somehow Chaos trial gets the cake.

Would love to get a response. Thank you!
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2025, 5:33:05 PM
SAME. I never crash except trial of chaos.

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