auction house in game

Would it be to difficult to have a auction house that is in game that can also filter the items by value not just the currency type. This would be more convenient and also make it easier to buy and sell items seeing how we have to wisp someone then hope they see your message first and not just end up responding to the last one that came in. maybe have a mail tab added to the stash to receive purchases and message's.
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 11:49:53 AM
They have an auction-house for items (in addition to the currency exchange) in poe1 on console... I hope its coming to poe2 as-well
hope it comes to poe2

current trade system is not good
Last edited by inkyraven87#1187 on Jan 2, 2025, 2:21:48 AM
Its f*ing bad. We need trade house in game... and sale able while sb is offline.

I try to buy few rings for 3hrs! All AFK or Offline...
Hell yea take my money already GGG. Give us a trading post my credit card is ready.
Search AH in this sub forum and for each time a result give yourself a DIV..LOL.

The current system is super dated - as a database to search (when you are NOT inside the game - that is great - if only to lock trades when a player could not access the game)

It's far too frustating and time consuming not to mention cumbersome to ALT TAB.

Oh..and the gigantic amount of supposely price fixers or clueless PC'ers who don't know how to price their stuff...?

1- Fix the price fixers so they commit to an ASK / BIN
2- With #1 gone, ignorant players will filter to look up at least.
3- the market fixes itself based on 1 + 2

The currency exchange is great. Do the same for the rest.

Is there a centralized bank in the Lore? In DDO (dungeons & dragons online) there exists an AH that works seamlessly into the game. And when was DDO released?
While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
MaTafus#9898 wrote:
They have an auction-house for items (in addition to the currency exchange) in poe1 on console... I hope its coming to poe2 as-well

Yeah, having an auction house in PoE2 would be a great addition! Trading would feel way smoother. Hopefully, they don’t leave it out like some features that get forgotten in Dead Toons Anime that never get a proper sequel.

Last edited by kianime#2317 on Mar 2, 2025, 5:48:48 AM
You are having a good day doing Maps, then all of a sudden you felt like "I have accumulated wealth, let me buy some items"

Then you sit there waiting for a breach ring to come to your lap, for a few hours. Very interesting gameplay, such immersion.

I acually felt Exiled from the game lol

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