My Experience so far <3
The game is GREAT, it is just amazing how the devs have put together such a masterpiece.
The campaign is amazing, there is barely any bugs. It is very enjoyable, specialy the chaos damage, as it does absolutely nothing to my character that goes through with 0 chaos resistance as i don't really need it. Let me talk about the layouts of the zones, absolute marvel. It is so amazing that at some places during the campaign you can lose yourself into farming those amazing zones for hours and hours without even leaving the zone. There are so many things to explore, every corner, and every deadend has something for me to find and enjoy (As a real PoE enjoyer). Classes, o god classes are tuned to perfection, specially the Warrior. I absolutely enjoyed myself playing and leveling through the campaign as a warrior, every single spell/ skill feels so good to play with, just amazing! I did not really enjoy ranger though, until the first Nerf. Now I can not stop playing it (login bro). Once I finished enjoying the campaign, I was introduced into the END GAME content (softlanding) which I still enjoy to this day! I have run through over 500 tier 15 maps and still have only found few (3) citadels!!! There is so much to explore, left or right, up or down (Who knows) it is completely up to you! One has the freedom to explore the entire free world of POE2 and enjoy all kind of DIFFERENT layouts that have nothing to do with the zones from the campaign. All different layouts and all of them enjoyable and FUN! Repeating all that maps over and over for more than 500-600 times really brings joy and sometimes GLORY, as you sometime die and the map totally desappears and you gotta do the same map that you enojy all over again, you unfortunately will also lose all loot or bonuses on the map, but as a Pro gamer, SSF that does not bother me a little bit, not at all (login). There is this feature that makes mobs disapear on their way to attack you and they will appear on top of you without you even noticing, bringing this little pinch of engagement and difficulty level that normal games does not have. I have also enjoyed a lot the summoner (not before the nerf), but after the adjsutment to the minions number and them getting stuck at every door, entrance, little passage, it is just hard to explain the happines that I experience very 20-30 sec. It makes the game spice and brings another level of difficulty as you never know where and when your minions will completely disappear or die. After completing over 500 tier 15 maps I still have not found a level 20 gem, which pushes me to farm even more and more ''WAYSTONES'' (yes the ones that have nothing to do with the zones from the campaign). Contrary to what other players say, it is not annoying and it also adds to the fun of the game, as you are now over lvl 95 and still have upgrades to do, like getting 4-5 level 20 gems (which you have not found one yet). Even if you have found a level 20 gems, you gotta get that PERFECT JEWELER orb that just DOES not drop, so there is a lot more for you to explore (a never ending farm). I really hated the crafting system in POE 1, but Devs have created a complete beauty of the crafting system in POE2, you just have to collect all white items from the ground, stash them in 20-33 stashtabs and once you farm enough (200-11230) orbs, you can start slaming and slaming and slaming, until you get that RNG god in your favour and you create that master piece of a gear with tripple res and life regen. Nothing to worry about if you got no time to farm, as there are plenty of price fixers and bots selling amazing price fixed and duped items, so there are PLENTY of items ALL at the same price from the same people (loging bro). lastly I want to take a moment to thank GGG for pushing me to get involved with SANCTUM and ULTIMATUM Mechanics ( honestly I never enjoyed them in poe 1), but now... O M G!! I spend over 12 hours in sanctum at lvl 22 with my warrior until i gave up (skill issue obv). I came back on the next day and managed to get my first ascendancy done after another 10 hours of attempting I mastered that Sanctum (also reached level 45) while dying and re-entering as you DO NOT LOSE your coing (clap). Thank you GGG, I am a true POE ENJOYER and this has brough more joy to me than the past holidays! Cant wait to see the next nerfs that would arise next week once you guys come back from your 3 months holiday. Last bumped on Jan 1, 2025, 7:21:55 PM
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Absolute POE Enjoyer!
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