Scammer alert: Vilkarus

Just wanted to report a scam today.
He tricked me over a grand spectrum Sapphire, got it off me for 1 div + 130 exes instead of 7 divs because of the usual trade window shenanigans. Hate myself for not double-checking. Hope this helps in some way, there goes my most valuable drop yet.
Transaction took time around 22:00 pm Europe Central Time.
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 6:50:19 PM
I can also testify that he tried to scam a youtuber called Mitch. He got caught by 200+ other people who were watching Mitch's stream.

He tried to buy a Headhunter for 4 divines instead of 14
I hope this dude is banned. He's been trying to scam so many people with the trade window shenanigans.

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