QoL suggestion. Make "basic atacks" able to be keybinded on the same key for both weapon sets

What I mean is, allow (mainly Mercenary has this problem) to keybind "crossbow shot", "bow shot", etc. for both weapon sets in the same keybind.

In the same way that you can combine walking and a skill ("crossbow shot", for example) in the LMC (this you can already do if you use the mouse & keyboard input method); thus making the character shoot with the active weapon set every time they press LMC if they bound them both in the same key (LMC in this example).

I find that this could really improve the quality of play for all classes (martial weapon classes mainly, and Mercenary the most) since it is the only class forced to keybind two "crossbow shot" in different keybinds to use two weapon sets (in this case, since you don't fire the ammunition by using their skill keybind, instead you reload them. Which I believe it is the correct design in this part).

And with this rant I wish you a happy 2025. Thank you for reading, and prosper new year!
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 7:49:18 PM

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