Passive Skill Tree Presets

POE2 is such a great game that also invites a lot of experimentation.
However, you are often unsure about making too many changes to the passive skill tree, as these are still very expensive, even after the costs have been reduced.
(If you do like massive changes, trying a complete new build etc.)

Here is a suggestion that should help and encourage more experimentation:

Passive Skill Tree Presets

The current skill tree is always “Preset 1” from which you can work away. You pay for every adjustment you do on the tree as before, but you can always go back to that “Preset 1” for zero costs.

Of course, it would be great to have more presets so that you can save trees you have already paid for and call them up again later for free.

What do you think?

Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 8:18:12 PM

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