[POE2] Suggestion - Need a new support gem for protecting "Primed for stun"

Let me start by saying that playing a titan has been the most fun I have had playing in any POE season. It's slow but when it hits screens melt. It feels like a big strength stacking character should. No need for 10 attacks per second here. I believe this game and character design is a masterpiece, everyone at GGG should be very proud of their work.

It has one massively important element missing though. There needs to be a support gem for protecting Primed for Stun status on enemies.

"Resist to Ruin" - "Supports persistent buff skills, enemies in your presence can only be stunned effects that cause Heavy Stun"
Cost x Spirit

15-30 Spirit with possibly an additional element that increases stun duration by 5-10%

There are a few reasons for this to be required.
1) Party play - even if you are to build into crushing impacts other players in your party might push a boss that last 10% of stun in between Hits. The slow attack speed of any class trying to proc effects on Heavy stun. If you set up normal mobs it's very easy for teammates to normal stun them during your long attack animations.

2) Procs off Heavy stun - You have designed the game with multiple support gems that proc off applying heavy stun(Devastate, impact shockwaves, autoreload). Abilities and passives proc off heavy stun(Boneshatter, Cranial Impact, Shattering blow, etc). If you miss these procs, the whole build might fall apart.

3) Damage scaling on Heavy Stunned - If you built into damage scaling on "heavy stunned" enemies. If you miss that heavy stun you could do half or less damage during your build's designed burst window.

4) Requires intricate tuning - Example build, Shield charge in to prime a group for stun and follow up with boneshatter. Depending on the waypoint level you need the exact right amount of armor on the shield and stun buildup. So this requires down ranking shield charge or down ranking shield armor value. It's very fun when it works and it's very frustrating when stunning enemies on your way in. When building more damage is better(you can over kill things), more tankiness is better(Surviving with more hp is fine). Having to super fine tune stun build up and use worse abilities and gear is less fun. We should be able to over stun enemies and still play the build.

TLDR- Need a support gem that makes nearby enemies immune to normal stun so you can consistently and effectively use abilities, gems, passives designed for Proccing Heavy stun.

Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 12:20:14 PM

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