Atlas Map clarity of completed nodes
The colors of the nodes on the atlas map are confusing to figure out where you have been, and where you can go.
Nodes that are unreachable are grey. Nodes that are available are colored. Nodes that are completed are also colored. the only difference between available and completed nodes is a tooltip when you hover over the node and it says "completed" or "attempted". Changing the system so that ALL nodes are colored, and when you complete a map, that node "turns off" to grey, would make it clear of where you have been, and where you can go. you will be able to immediately see all of the maps that are available to run, without having to hover over a bunch to check "did I do this one yet?". this will create a distinct "war front" of progress to clearly and immediately see where you have been. Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 3:24:51 PM