Full computer freezes are driving me insane.

I can't play the game more than 1 hour without computer freezing while teleporting.
Every day i do this a ridiculous ammount of time and i'm just gonna stop playing for now. i just got a game crash, force restarted, started game, game got stuck again in loading screen without no response from ctrl+alt+del, alt tab,nothing. Tried all the "fixes" with the .bat file or removing core from affinity in task manager. playing full screen with core 0 removed helped a while with only game crashing but not the whole computer. How is no streamer getting this and only me and my friends ? I've read posts that this is a known problem even in PoE1... why is this not fixed? if it's caused by 24h2 windows update, that was in october...
Last bumped on Feb 2, 2025, 10:04:18 AM
The latest Win11 update has some issues, have you tried rolling back?
~ There are spectacular moments.
will probably do that after NYE... but a update from OCT to make this kind of issues for a lot of people seems pretty weird they didn't do nothing about it.
The only thing that resolved this issue for me is running as adminitrator PoE Uncrasher ( so it can set poe process to real time on loading if a imminent crashes appear and it fix it ).
this is becoming so frustrating. i haven't been able to play 2 consecutive maps today w/o 10 crashes while teleporting.


GGG can you FIX this ??

@ozazuma#2709 i'm manually doing the 2 core disable in affinity every time i launch the game. Game still constantly crashes.
Last edited by Kidult#6831 on Jan 7, 2025, 4:16:46 AM
might be your processor.. i gotta turn mine down cause it degraded (https://www.zdnet.com/article/intel-offers-a-two-year-extended-warranty-for-crashing-chips-as-class-action-lawsuit-threat-looms/)


I support your appeal to GGG, as I have been having this issue repeatedly as well.

I have had around 10 hard system freezes across a little more than 200 hours of gameplay. While it hasn't been as frustrating as your experience, I do hope GGG fixes it.

They have listed it in their post regarding known issues, so that's a bit re-assuring.

Anyway, good day to you and I hope you are lucky enough to encounter less freezes till GGG does their bit, I guess.
What 3rd party apps specifically would infringe on your PC experience?

I'm playing this with a 1080ti and an 8700k cpu and it works pretty damn well with 2k widescreen resolution with intel upscaling, dynamic resolution setting on and I even use Nvidia Filters to "correct" and sharpen the graphics.
Latest windows/nvidia updates using Process Lasso task manager and youtube suggested group policy and regedit tweaks.

I even tried to murder my CPU overclocks with early day Black Desert Online tweaking.
Last edited by TrunktenUK#3407 on Jan 7, 2025, 6:48:32 AM
The freezes are too much already.

5 only today.

Something needs to be done about it.
this is feb 2nd and awhile back i did the set affinity and it seemed to have worked till lately and now no matter what affinity i set or uncheck whether 4 or 3 and the 0 and 1 never did work for me it was 4 to uncheck now its bout useless. and on this post it is almost a month later from the post before mine and still no answer? is it still the windows update?
Last edited by dragon91368#4734 on Feb 2, 2025, 6:18:08 AM

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