Ps5 endgame is beyond unplayable!! Qol request

I'm level 88 ranger. Even on breach at t15 I cannot super juice it. The amount of creeps and density killed me

Last night playing with 2 summoner friends. I'm going thru the map with like 5 to 10 FPS if we engaged with a fight. I can't see shit. Nothing.

Does GGG even tested their own game with console ? At least in the endgame. Campaign I'm fine with it. But once you reach endgame game is telling you to uninstall it

Can we have the option to turn off allies animation.?
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 5:27:18 PM
Yeah, even performance aside, how are you to tell you're standing in fire when there are 600 minions on the screen and lightning?

And how do you even know that you stood in fire and that's what killed you when there is no combat log of any sort?

I still need to be able to see what my party members are doing, but that's much less important than being able to see the puddle of fire or projectile coming at me that I need to dodge.
Well effects can be redused by bloom on 25% and cullong on, which leads sometimes to artifacts.
But there is a huge but, i play on ps5 pro, which is atm strongest console out there.
I play Infernalist Arsonist build. Which has a fair amount of minions, and even in Act 3 on low settings i was getting 40ish fps in fights, got much worse on mapping...
And now to the point, i checked the recomended specs ( not even min ) and ps5 pro beats them by a margin... So either there is very poor optimisation, or i have no idea for which cream pc players the game was made for, since majority of people run similar if not worse systems compared to pc5 pro. Like i get the Cpu is zen 2, but they listed the same as reccomended one. Like magic or what?
Game suppose to be optimised to base ps5 and pro getting better a bit, is pro strugles i dont want to know what on ps5 is going on, or even Xbox.

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