Tether bug using witch & detonate dead skill- series x

1-Tethers from certain monsters remain after killing them.
2-Tether stays attached for what appears to be cast distance then disappears after going beyond
3-Tether will re attach if coming back into cast distance
4-Happens to both character players and minions
Last edited by Thecowsgotagun#8031 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:36:59 PM
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 4:36:00 PM
Updating after a bit more testing
1- Determined that it is not only a visual bug
2- Playing as witch and minion build
3- Replicated easily in Vall Factory nodes using map
4- Using abilities where the enemy body remains after death/ using "detonate dead" the tether appears to remain active until the body is destroyed.
5- Situation comes up where the tether visual remained with the rope attached to character after killing mobs and not clearing the bodies with "detonate dead"
6- Go back to an area already cleared and the tether visual remains visible and the debuff symbol with the arrow/chain remains active with the number of mobs still tethered.
7- Travel back to area where you got tethered and the bodies still remain and clear with "detonate dead" and the debuff numbers will go down when you destroy the mob body that tethered you and symbol will disapear
8- It appears that you remained slowed the entire time until you clear the bodies

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