General feedback after playing endgame
Earlygame Acts1-3 Almost perfect: 1) Great boss fights 2) With the new loot drop protection progression feels better 3) Mostly good difficulty curve Improvments: 1) Pre act 3 no one shots 2) Mana cost for skill need to be reduced. Always felt like I ran out of mana way to fast 3) Some skills need a buff at low levels perticularly skills that need others to combo 4) Vendor Recipies (reforge recipies) Allow us to reforge items of different types as a recipie and us to use gems for recipies 5) Dont respawn area on death. This can make you overleveled fast and loosing gear feels very bad. Instead n death heal all alive enemies and drop inventory 6) Wells in town need to be removed. just let flastks auto fill. 7) Bosses like Rathbreaker need to be changed. Being slowed shot with arrows stun locked and fighting a crowd of dogs feels bad 8) Movement speed Endgame Post Cruel act 3 Needs heavy improvement: Feels like every other ARPG and has a lot of feel bad moments. 1) one life per map feels bad. Ether change on death and ground effects to mob specific only or give multiple tries. Also let the first time events on a map not remove after 1 failed map. 2) feels like every other ARPG at end game because it is just hoards of weak enemies for the most part. Reduce pack size increase rare/magic monster change and increase rare and boss loot drops 3) Make cast on gem tied to ascendancies or unique gear instead of generic. 4) Increase map drops General Balance: 1) Make ES more rare/less powerful on passive tree 2) Reduce mana cost 3) Allow us to craft on trials 4) Make trials less RNG Bugs: Portaled to town and lost a map Map device does not work sometimes Past vs present in act 3 makes it difficult to play with someone else Disconections Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 2:43:31 PM
" Make ES less powerful? Are you mad? What about boosting HP and Armor because they are trash? |
I would ratjer the nerf es and then nerf monster damage and change on death and ground effects. Buffing constantly just leads to larger numbers and if they buff life on the tree it will lead to more required nodes for builds.