Path of unfair
Geez friends what have you done to the game? Have you ever heard about game balance?
POE2 is plain unfair and no fun, and i see you did the same to POE1 meanwhile too with the latest league. I can melt down bosses, and get one shot by yellow enemies. Without a chance. Path of one shots. I can one shot bosses, and in the same level i am not able to kill some yellow and even blue enemies. My damage is not high enough. Path of annoying. Another thing that developed itself into a corner is that you simply need to trade to be successful. Path of pay to win. The problem is, after a month the league is dead, and nobody is left to trade. And even when, where should the divines come from to trade your items. Nobody buys the crap that drops until level 85. Path of too late to the show. I have a build here that promises 1.1 billion damage, when you have all the items. And currently i am level 88 and don't even have a million damage. The gear does not drop. and i cannot buy it neither. Was the goal to make POE1 this unattractive so that everybody plays POE2 instead? You managed it. But at the same time you managed that POE2 is currently worse than the worst POE1 league. I have the feeling that you lost the passion with Path of Exile. The game is really in a sad state. Last edited by Arunderan#4678 on Dec 29, 2024, 1:57:29 PM Last bumped on Dec 30, 2024, 2:31:52 PM
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I don't understand what exactly you mean here. What suggestions do you have for improvement?
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OP was quite clear: Balance.
1) When I can smear every mob on the way to the boss, the boss should not be super hard. It's just not right. Unbalanced. 2) One-hit kills. When you're geared up and appropriate level for the area, it is not fun to die from a one-hit kill. Unbalanced. 3) When I go through a lower level area, where the mobs are too low level to get much XP - but they can one-hit kill - there's words for that. Devs deserve those words. For now I'll just say: Unbalanced. VERY disappointed. I don't expect early access to be perfect, but I don't see anything at all done to balance this. I want to like this game, but every time I see this, I wonder why I still play. |
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" See, the thing about bosses is that their difficulty is mostly mechanical + whatever area mods might apply to them Yellow monsters though, those get ALL of the mods, area mods, and the rares mods and have a large range of types some of which are particularly lethal with mod combinations. Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1 Last edited by lagwin1980#2224 on Dec 29, 2024, 5:18:08 PM
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" This ! I simply think that GGG is using the wrong approach to slow down the speed runners. The current imbalance makes the whole game annoying to play. It is not hard, but simply unfair when for example the mobs are twice as fast as you, and you have no chance to escape. And the permanent one shots out of the blue interrupts the game flow. I have quit playing POE 2 for that reason. Now i have to quit POE 1 league too. I cannot go any higher with my character. The market is dead since it is end of league, the items that i require does not drop. And the current one shot mechanics is annoying as hell and won't let me progress anymore. I run a map that promises 5% XP, and loose 10% or 20% XP with every try, dependant of how many unfair one shotters are lurking around ... I hope that there are better times for the game. There was in the past. Before GGG introduced the Arch Nemesis crap. And continued it in the one or another way then. Last edited by Arunderan#4678 on Dec 30, 2024, 4:34:35 AM
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Perhaps the problem is that the build you consider successful is a broken build?
You destroy the entire screen with a single skill, but you don't see what's kills the character because of this chaos on the screen? Are you not paying attention to character's defense? |
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Thanks for your thoughts, of course I do. But maxing it out requires gear that i can simply not get anymore, not at the end of the league. It's one of the design flaws in POE. Which will surely follow us into POE2 too.
It is not a question of get gud. It is a question of a game balance that does simply not allow me to get gud anymore. Nowadays the game is made that you have to trade. There was a time where you were able to play ssf and nevertheless kill the bosses. Hard but manageable. Not anymore. It has become pay to win. With ingame currency, but still. But after two months in the league there is nobody left to trade anymore. Nobody left to buy things, nobody left to sell stuff to obtain the needed divines. I do in fact play ssf now, in the standard league. I have sold two items in the last week. That was two chaos income. Which is far away from the four divines that i would need alone for the eagerly needed shoes of this build. Ralakesh's impatience. When i could get it at all. Trade is dead. The coincidently unavoidable one shots comes on top then. In levels where i am in general strong enough to kill the boss easily. This is the part where i moan about the game balance. As told, i basically melt down the boss, walk out, and get slapped into my face by one of the completely overpowered nemesis baddies. Be it one shotters or completely unkillable content. I just stood in front of a blue enemy and have fired ten minutes at it, without even scratching his health. In the same level i killed the boss in an eyeblink. That's not hard then, that's plain unfair. And simply badly balanced. No mob enemy should be stronger as the boss. What i do at the moment is that i try to reach the boss as fast as possible, kill it, then care about the hard part, the mobs. And for leveling i have to delve. Since the maps contains the one shotters. And this feels so wrong in so many ways ... I do of course understand that GGG needs to do something against people that simply runs through the levels and reaches level 100 after day two in the league. But this is imho the wrong way. The game more and more lost the fun parts, and got more and more annoying parts instead. Last edited by Arunderan#4678 on Dec 30, 2024, 8:16:01 AM
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"Which bosses are you referring to here? "Divines can be obtained from Shipping easily. (Obviously this doesnt fix the other side.) No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" What exactly do you consider not balanced? Warrior clear speed vs Archmage clear speed? Sure. But what do You mean? " Sounds like you need to Git Gud? The only thing that should be one-shotting you are end-game map bosses one-shot mechanics if you fail them. " Your damage is not high enough but you can one-shot bosses.. What? " Successful? Play SSF then. Also, the game is free and this is The best ARPG - How do you suggest they make their money, if not stash tabs? " Lol no, this ain't Torchlight. The league is far from dead and won't be dead for years to come. Just check Steam statistics or better yet, open poetrade and hit search without filters, just to see how active it is. Hundreds of pages per minute. " There isn't a DPS meter, how did you figure out your damage? It sounds to me like you're playing the game wrong. This is the best ARPG ever made - and you copy build online? Just play the game yourself, muppet. Figure out what You like and build around that. " No, the goal was to make the best ARPG in the history of the World and they did it near perfectly and you're just a whiny old soul, who had too much toys as a kid. Grow up. |
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" Obviously :) " Map bosses. Currently level 5 to 10. I clear a level 10 map with left hand, play a level 5 map and get murdered quickly by the packs. Not even with hard mods. One one shotter is enough. The game balance simply sucks. " They had it, once. Before the Archnemesis crap. This glorious idea to slow the speedrunners down. And in POE 2 they now finally ruined everyhing and just migrated the crap parts over from POE 1.The "vision" ... geez. They make every design mistake that you just can do. " This my friend is my whole point, and why i made this post. I can one shot bosses, but in the map itself the packs one shots me. Now who is the boss in the level? " And this is my second point. I can't. Not at the end of the league. Since i have to buy the things. They don't drop. And the trade is dead. " Now that is a very qualified and adult comment. No wonder the game went down the drain when brainless and inexperienced people like you give their unqualified feedback. I'm a gamer since the nineties of the last millenium. So old is correct. But don't even try to tell me about hard games. POE is a joke. But it is nowadays a a unfair and unfunny joke. I play POE since nearly day one. I know the good leagues and i know the bad leagues. And I notice when I'm being screwed. Last edited by Arunderan#4678 on Dec 30, 2024, 12:08:24 PM
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