My Xmas list of things for Console

Here are the things i would like to see in upcoming updates after the holiday's. If anyone reads this, Feel free to add if I have missed anything.

1. Lootfilter
2. Access to hideout, I've unlocked the hideout in maps and I can't seem to get in. So not sure if its bugged or I'm just Dumb and cant figure it out.
3. Better Optimization, you can play with options to make it somewhat better but still needs work.
4. Would love to see the trade site put back in the game like in POE1 instead of having to go outside the game.
5. have not figured out how to spec into weapon nodes in the passive tree, I know it exists and have started to play around with it but seems unclear how to use and would be nice to have an ingame tutorial or some sort of in game info.
6. whenever you fail Trials of Sehkemah, you are shown a splash screen with your failure but no way to exit so you have to exit out of the game and restart, annoying bug.
7. waypoint/maps stash tab please.

my next criticisms are not specific to console it seems and im sure will be dealt with at some point but the balance of the game overall. some places are super easy and some are overly punishing. would be nice to have an even ramp up into end game. Also, I really dislike the single deaths in maps/waypoints, I think even having 2-3 portals would be a huge improvement. Don't need 6 but to have a 2nd or 3rd try at the map would be nice. anyways thats all i can think of right now off the top of my head.

Last edited by BlackHavoc14#9807 on Dec 29, 2024, 3:38:09 PM
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2024, 4:19:19 PM
What console are you?
Either way open a passive point up go to one you don’t have to hold x or a while allocating the node it will pop up the screen for weapon set points.
Either way open a passive point up go to one you don’t have to hold x or a while allocating the node it will pop up the screen for weapon set points.
Speak to Alva to change hideout
What console are you?

I will give this a try, Thanks!
Speak to Alva to change hideout

I will give this a try, Thanks!
Either way open a passive point up go to one you don’t have to hold x or a while allocating the node it will pop up the screen for weapon set points.

Oh Hold X, Thank you!

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