Demon form Hexblast bugged bad

After making a build to use hexblast and curses I transformed into demon form and my character is pretty much useless with those spells. Curses aren’t applied properly and refused to detonate. No matter how much I use the skill it never works as intended even tho it drains of mana I am stacking cursing properly and using contagion and still no effect. Once I go back into human form all my skills work just fine , please can we get a fix it’s driving me crazy as I was planning to map run with this build but now I will have to waste even more gold for a new respec.
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2025, 9:39:48 PM
Update: After looking at the skills and playing around the cause was that Blasphemy aura buff along with despair slotted into the gem socket, didn’t want to stay when entering demon form.

I went to my buffs and put it active on both first and second swap and this fixed the issue if anyone else is using blasphemy buff try turning it on with in I and II buff bars.
Thank you for this! Switched to the build and was doing no damage. This fix it.
I went to my buffs and put it active on both first and second swap and this fixed the issue if anyone else is using blasphemy buff try turning it on with in I and II buff bars - can you explain this further lol

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