For the last weeks we reported endless problems of lags , latency spikes of 1000 MS & beyond , and also crashes related to the servers and it can be a crippling experience :
1 - Regardless if you play on PC , Console , Crossplay ON/OFF
2 - Regardless what region you are playing in
3 - Regardless the speed of your own internet connection
Here's a test run of PoE 2 servers :
Another one made on different day & hour :
Here's the kind of latency spikes that are being experienced worldwide and it can go to 3000 MS & beyond with a frequency of several spikes per minute of gameplay ( see the video below ) :
Video =
Those cripling issues seems to get only worse day by day , I just got two crashes during the Doryani boss fight due to latency spikes , so i am starting to get fed up by all of this ... we can play through bugs , difficulty & balance issues but there's a limit to what goodwill can do .
Servers has to be the absolute top priority for GGG to fix .