POE 2 Servers are garbage

For the last weeks we reported endless problems of lags , latency spikes of 1000 MS & beyond , and also crashes related to the servers and it can be a crippling experience :

1 - Regardless if you play on PC , Console , Crossplay ON/OFF
2 - Regardless what region you are playing in
3 - Regardless the speed of your own internet connection

Here's a test run of PoE 2 servers :

Another one made on different day & hour :

Here's the kind of latency spikes that are being experienced worldwide and it can go to 3000 MS & beyond with a frequency of several spikes per minute of gameplay ( see the video below ) :

Video = https://youtu.be/7GZQuAQfsuA

Those cripling issues seems to get only worse day by day , I just got two crashes during the Doryani boss fight due to latency spikes , so i am starting to get fed up by all of this ... we can play through bugs , difficulty & balance issues but there's a limit to what goodwill can do .

Servers has to be the absolute top priority for GGG to fix .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Dec 28, 2024, 11:03:02 AM
Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 7:20:25 PM
100% agree they are still trash and the devs refuse to even say anything I just want to hear an acknowledgement of the issue is that so hard. Many of us have had massive spikes since launch. Literally not worth playing pinnacle content and HC just forget it.
you dont need good ping if you're playing a 1 button brain rot build. If lag kills you then you are playing the game wrong.
This should be getting more attention. Making the servers playable should be their top priority. Its been months and it still lag spikes everyday. I literally cant play any pinnacle content because one lag spike could mean tens of hours wasted farming. Forget everything else make the game playable please.
I have no network issue; however, the game engine sucks so bad. Lag spikes are terrible. Fps Drops to under thirty; makes it hard to do Breech and Delirium. My hard exceeds the recommended specs I even tried g-force now and the engine still sucked. Even with all the issues I still love the game, I just hope they get it FIXED.

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