Problems in POE2
This will contain what is already told by many and some of my grudges about who they are.
## Ascendancy: Labyrinth was bs, but I didn't know how deep shit this could go. Now ascendancy is pretty much luck-based. Or you have to be a ton over-leveled for that or have a very specific build to it to be tolerable. Is ascendancy optional? No. It's mandatory for every class in the game. So make it so it's not luck-based. Just wasted about 30 minutes at the sanctuary, and that's not fun to die on the boss after three floors. Labyrinth was at least somewhat skill-based content, but not these two. ## MF: Remove that it affects currency. Now the market is so ruined and I cannot even test builds because everything is so expensive, I don't pay 1-10div on some random semi-shit gear to test something. And sadly even if you remove that it affects currency, it won't help anymore. Future fix for this? Remove it from the gear, and put it on the atlas tree and waystones. Fixed. This way it would also fix that you have to play a few specific builds to be able to put MF on gear. Because it's not in gear anymore. And never introduce it in any other way. And no this is not about "there needs to be more affixes" If that's true, replace this with: "of flipper: Spanwns a chihuahua, which does # amount backflips and burrows to ground" Even that would be more interesting than MF Sadly I don't think I will come back to the game before there has been a full reset, the only reason I might play is that I'm playing with my friend. ## Stun: Now it's far too easy to get stun locked, two dogs can do it, and now it's mandatory to have stun resistance on gear or passive tree. Of course, this is not always the case, you just have to nuke enemies before they get next to you. But I say there should be much more "base" stun resistance. Right now this punishes so much if you don't play class / spec what oneshots everything on screen. So penalty double dips a lot. ## Affixes: I was hoping movement speed would have been removed from boots, you had the perfect chance to remove it as it's mandatory, and it's not even a choice to the player at all. There were others too but this was one that I'm dumbfounded you didn't remove it. Why is no Mana in the chest? ## Jewelers orbs: I don't understand why better jewelers' orbs are so rare. I have played one character to 82 and other 75 and 0 drops of Greater / Perfect Jewellers orbs. ## Crafting(?): There is 0 crafting currently, there is just no point in trying to craft. It's so expensive to craft, and it's just slam ex, and hope for best. ## Essences: Are pretty much useless now, they don't guarantee any results, but also are only semi-deterministic methods to do anything. ## Runes: There has to be a way to remove them, you have made "semi" soulbound without explicitly saying it, and that was one of the big reasons why PoE1 felt as good that items aren't anyway to locked on your character. ## Crafting Bench (this contains a collection of things that are somewhat related to poe1 Crafting Bench): Res X -> Res Y, this is needed, sooner than later. Now if I get upgrade gear, even if it would 2x my damage or survivability 90% case I cannot use that item because of wrong resistances. Craft resistance should have been in the game from the get-go. It's so a big part of the PoE1, to keep your resistances up and go. ## Minon related AI is one of the worst ones, also they get stuck on a rock if it's in front of them. And don't even talk about corridors and doors. Also, where is the meat shield support? I mean the real one that would have some use, the aggro thing. Now minion with a meat shield is as useful as in Guild Wars 2 tanks, just big boys with no use. Rename that to `Meat` because there are no shields. ## Spells Not sure what is affected, but seems to be so that if you cast a spark next to the wall, sparks are not flying. This might be a bug or problem with the spawner design so it's not where the player's origin point is but in front of the character. Last bumped on Dec 28, 2024, 10:16:57 AM
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