Do I have to buy it twice? PS5/PC -- Someone with knowledge explain it please :)


Do I have to buy the game twice? I bought in on my PS5.
Downloaded it on PC, but it is saying I don't have early acces.

If someone knows if this is as attended I will buy it for PC as well.
But can I keep the same character on ps5 and PC? Since I am almost level 16 and really enjoy it so far.
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2024, 1:02:28 AM
Hi there. Yes, you have to buy the game twice for if you want to play on both PS5 and PC. From what I have understand, when the real game comes out, it will be free for both parties.

But a more serious issue, are the potential gem packs you have bough. What I heard, is any Microtransaction you did on XBOX PoE account, you can retrieve it in PC client and vice versa. However, it will NOT cross transfer to PSN account due to limitation on Sony side.
^ is right, so,far no cross mtx with Sony. We hope it will be solved in release but for now buckle up and feel the Sony being dumb again.
So it might actually be safer to make 2 characters use one for pc only content and other for Sony?

Since it feels expensive too actually buy items twice.
You do need to buy each platform key separate. There were no PS5 keys granted for previous purchase totals like for PC/Steam (not familiar with xbox myself)

Stick to pc sub account on PS5, don't purchase anything on ps5 side, just use your 300 points to donate to your personal guild and share tabs there instead of dealing with read-only tabs everywhere and double purchasing.

Long version
My apologies for the length, but this system is crazy complex because GGG and Sony don't play nice together. Hopefully they come together in the future.

PC and PS5 accounts become sub accounts when linking. You can no longer log into both at the same time after doing this.

You can play either sub account from either platform - however stashes from the other platform are remove only. Only the 4 original ones can be shared. currency stashes can't be shared.

They track microtransactions independently per sub account. Any purchases from poe1 show up, but most cosmetics don't work (none of mine do from either pc or ps5)

The stash tabs show up (with the remove only caveat mentioned above) - certain types like map tabs don't work yet.

Any user logged into your PS5 can play the beta with their own account without also having to purchase it.

My strategy:

After trying to deal with each sub account, I now just use my PC sub account exclusively even on PS5.

I created a guild and bought a currency stash tab to share between platforms. This works and makes the whole broken crossplay system seem very odd to me.

If you want to share this stash with the psn sub account, I invited a different psn account logged into my console (doesn't need an additional game license) into guild and made it officer. Using the other psn account, I invited the ps5 sub account into the guild while it was logged in. This makes it easy to transfer stuff between sub accounts (I added a regular guild stash tab as well)

My advice, just purchase stuff on pc side, use the guild stash tabs instead of buying psn only stash tabs. Limit your guild to yourself so others don't take your stuff.

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