End Game is pointless

I know this is beta version of the game. For some reason you like to call it early access and allot of people are getting confused due to this awkward title of the current game state. Testament to that fact is global chat full of new players that are in shock finding out their characters will be deleted in official release. They thought this is early access and not open BETA. jesus christ GGG....

Keep that in mind when you read angry comments and rethink how you want to call open beta in the future titles.

Because this is open beta i cant really give any meaningful feedback cause i dont really know where this game is going or what its trying to be, but from current state of the game my issues are next...

Crafting is terrible without orb of alteration. To force players to always pick up base and stockpile their inventory slots with 50 bases is terrible loss of quality of life. Making crafting around exalt slamming is hopefully not the direction you are going to take because the testament of how bad that direction manifested is poe trade.

Huge maps in campaign. To navigate towards your next progression step through this maze of a map that act 2 and 3 are known for is terrible approach towards rerolling. Ill rather farm gold 2 days and respeck my character than to go through that "lets explore 90% of map before we find next area entrance".

What is the endgame?
Have 165 hours of gameplay and i really cant pinpoint what is end game about ?
Do i run maps until i get bored? Is that the endgame ?
In poe 1 i had economy that motivated me to make a progress. In poe 2 economy is some abomination that lists everything for 1 div, 1 ex, or 20+ divs.
And its because crafting is completely gone. ITs just slamming until hitting what you need. People cant afford my 600+ pdps crossbow because THEY cant sell anything to anyone apart from really rare build enabling items. Is this what the end game is ? Farming build enabling items in a hope you are among the 1st ones that have it until market is full of them and people just quit the game cause its pointless to aspire to anything but slamming items and using item rarity.

There is nothing new that can be learned from current game state. I hope you have more content or this is just pointless repetition of killing same mobs over and over again with no real endgame goals. Tune the builds, than release new classes, than tune them again, and again until you piss of every new player that has come to this great genre of gaming. You will make more enemies than friends in this greedy approach to the "early access".

Path of exile 2 needed more content before early access.

I understand you wanted to show us how game runs. It runs great. Ty. I understand the marketing side of things. You needed more money. 1million players bought early access bundle. Great job. Now please just tune the hype down and work on poe 1. Poe2 is not even 30% ready for official release. This game needs at least 3 more years of development. And gold help you with balancing around 36 ascendancies. Game is in heavy disbalance as it is ....

Last bumped on Dec 28, 2024, 4:57:35 AM
Love endgame, just needs more content, we have no idea what's already been developed. Give it another 6 months to a year and we won't be playing the same thing at all.

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