Dis-incentivised to play your (GGG) way and punishments.
First off, this has been a very fun few weeks. All in all 8/10.
Now the not so fun stuff. I feel very dis-incentivised to play this game as you (GGG) want me to play it. Death is not a learning moment, unless the lesson is to switch to a build that one shots everything before getting one shot itself. I have so far died A lot to random ground degen effects that eat 5k HP+Mana in less then a second, these fun effects hide themselves in your effects to punish you for comboing skills like you wanted. I have also died to some kind of space laser monster, shooting a one shot beam from off screen. This monster has a beam that does fast tick damage and tracks you so fast you cant hide in open spaces and you cant close on it fast enough to kill it, live to dead in less then a second. On death-effects, just, why, stop it, there is the one good one with the bloating dudes but just fking stop it, this is pure anti-fun, it feels gleeful. You are better then this lazy and vindictive mechanic. Speaking of things that out right kills you. Stun, freeze, petrification. Anything that takes away agency for second(s) feels bad and for many is an out right instant kill with extra steps, just kill me instead. Staggers and interrupts are fine when the monsters don't all move faster then you and they do that a lot of the time even when I have 35% move on my boots. I don't think monster movement would be an issue if we didn't loose agency for second(s) but just got interrupted and had the tools to mitigate it in the tree. Yes I am aware of reduced freeze duration and reduced stun duration on items, doesn't make it less of a just kill me moment. Loosing map content and then having to run it blank after dying feels soo bad. Stop dis-incentivising us, it feels like shit and is usually non-fun, and find a way to reward us for not dying.... beyond keeping our exp and levelling. Let any extra content that hasn't been started stay if you die before some arbitrary cut off, monster kills (80%) or time. After that cut off just mark the map failed and let us move past it. It feels better when you can move on after failing, not have to repeat the same thing but with no "rewards". It's like doing the dishes, forgetting a mug, feeling all good for having done a thing, then because I forgot that mug someone comes in pisses all over the clean dishes and leaves. Pinnacles, please give us 2 or 3 tries. Reset the boss if you die, delete all the portals if you log. Have the cost of those portals be the exp penalty. As it stands I either just sell the fight or get a carry to get the points because I don't want to spend hours or days to prep fights to learn the mechanics of the boss when I can just profit without the stress of loosing so much gameplay to a one shot. No I shouldn't have to spoil everything for my self on youtube to do this in a way that feels fair to me as a player and to you as a creative entity. To not speak of the fourth floor boss in Trial of the Sekhemas, pass fail timed running puzzles heavily excludes a lot of your players, the Maven Simon says works thanks to portals, this just doesn't and it just feels like gate keeping in an un-fun way due to the time investment necessary to get there. Gear and Crafting. I feel again punished, punished when I use runes and punished when I don't use runes. This feeling would go away by just letting us destroy any runes socketed into an item. I would as many others have, beg you to give us the harvest craft for swapping a resistance for another in some form, let it cost an arm and a leg, let it lower the resistance tier one step so it cant be done infinitely. I have no good solution to offer for these problems from a dev perspective, I'm not a dev :). But being rewarded for following intended behaviour rather then being punished or nuked from orbit by things you literally can not see, control or play around always feels better and keeps you engaged. I hope you all @ GGG will have a happy new year! Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 9:50:37 PM