What are bugs and issues the Devs should actually prioritise?

I'm not talking about 10x divine drop rates so you can you buy your chase unique or making 4th ascendancy boss a white mob because of your skill issue, also not talking about on death mechanics because you want to glass cannon T15 and not pay attention.

Actual things that need to be fixed, or should be improved.

For example:

- Towers not showing influence in hideout.
- Add gambling vendor to hideout.
- Map Tab.
- Add content for the incomplete mechanics (armour)
- Loading times for bringing up the map.
- Trial of Sekhmas shortcut on the map.
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 7:15:55 PM
Well.. for starters they need to make this an actual arpg. Progression drops of gems appear to be entirely artificial based on some hidden triggers. Where are the items? People can spout "ThHis is early access, only half the stuff is there" all they want. The fact is though, if what they have so far is so uninteresting what makes people think anything that is interesting is coming? The beauty of PoE1 campaign and other arpg campaign is that it was a fairly good guided linear progression leading your character to end game. Same as above: what makes people think acts 4 5 6 are going to be any better? 1 2 3 are an all over the place disjointed, uninteresting, slow slog. Lots of other games coming out with new stuff in 2025. Not the least of which is 3.26. With 3.26 if GGG hits it out of the park then Path of Whatchamacallit will have a lot less players. And if GGG goes back on their promise and 3.26 is just lazy low effort filler then PoW will have a lot less players.

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