Tonhão's Bug Report #8 - Xbox - Act 2 Cruel and Act 3 Cruel
Platform: Xbox Series X
Language: Brazilian Portuguese Class: Chad Titan Act 2 Cruel Bugs 1. Freeze!: The game randomly froze while exploring Mawdun (surface). I had to force close and reopen it. Upon logging back into the map, the fog of war was reset, but enemies remained dead as they should. 2. Quest Lock Out: If you die at the same time as Baubala and wait for the items to drop, respawning at the checkpoint and returning to the arena causes Baubala’s body to explode again, but she drops significantly fewer items (e.g., a gem and a coin). Additionally, no NPC will have a new dialogue option about her death, and the quest “Ascenda ao Poder” will not progress. Even killing Baubala again does not resolve the issue, locking the character out of "discovering" the trials. Complications: - The Act 2 Cruel map displays the Act 2 (Normal) Trial of Sekhemas. - Traveling there results in a message saying the quest was completed. - Using a portal back to the caravan sends you to the Act 2 (Normal) caravan instead of Act 2 Cruel. - Returning to Act 2 Cruel does not progress the quest. 3. Skin Effect Bug: A skin effect meant to display drops of blood when walking instead shows a series of strips coming from the "ceiling," resembling paint dripping from a bucket at the top of stairs into another bucket below. 4. Buying from Vendors Bug: It is not possible to buy items from vendors if the main inventory is full, even when space is available in the Titan’s extended inventory. Translation Issues 1. Tab Upgrade Translation: The microtransaction description for upgrading a common tab to a premium tab is not translated to Brazilian Portuguese. 2. Skill Translation Typo - Pancada Super-Carregada: The skill “Pancada Super-Carregada” has a typo and should be written as “Pancada” instead of “Panca.” 3. “Imolação” Translation Issue: The support skill “Imolação” effect description contains a typo: “… contra inimigos incendios” should be “… contra inimigos incendiados.” 4. “Tremors” Translation Issue: The description and effect description of the “Tremors” support skill are not translated to Brazilian Portuguese. 5. Keyword Translation Issue - Aturdir vs. Atordoar: The term “Aturdir” (effect) is inconsistently described using “Atordoamento” instead of “Aturdimento” in some places, creating confusion. The description implies they are the same, but closer examination suggests “Aturdir” (Stun) makes enemies more easily “Atordoado” (Staggered). 6. “Atrito” Translation Issue: The effect descriptions of the “Atrito” buff are not fully translated to Brazilian Portuguese. 7. Status Translation Misinterpretation: Some items state: “Duração do congelamento em você aumentada em 46(46-50)%.” This phrase suggests that freezing effects on the player last longer. It might be clearer as: “Duração dos congelamentos criados por você aumentada em XX%.” Alternatively, “aumentada” (increased) might be incorrect, and it should say “reduzida” (decreased). 8. The Hooded One Dialogue: After killing the final boss of Act 2, when talking to The Hooded One and selecting the option “O Altar”, there is a leading space in the second block of dialogue. The first dialogue with Oswald in the camp (when near Alva) has the same issue. Act 3 Cruel Bugs 1. Teleport Across Acts: After arriving in Act 3, speaking with Zarka and choosing to return to the caravan teleports the player to the Act 2 (Normal) caravan instead of Act 2 Cruel. 2. Teleport Issue: In Act 3 (Cruel), teleporting from the swamp sends the player back to the “shore” instead of the camp, even after the camp has been discovered. 3. Skin Display: In Act 3, most skins and armor do not display properly in the encampment. Textures do not fully load. 4. Textures Not Loading Properly: At the encampment, asset textures in the water load correctly only when near the waypoint. Leaves in the water fail to load and display as green squares. Tree root textures near the waypoint do not load correctly. 5. Chest Texture: The chest texture at the encampment does not load correctly. 6. Rock Textures: Rock textures near Oswald, leading to the stairs, do not load correctly. 7. Flasks Tab Animation Bug: In a flask tab with many flasks, the yellow/golden border animation sometimes slides from the left side of the tab when selecting an item’s description for the first time. 8. Boss Icon on Map: The boss icon for the “Pântano Arenoso” zone (first scenario of Act 3 Cruel) does not gray out after killing the boss. Feature Requests 1. Map Tab: Add a dedicated tab for maps. 2. Viper Nest Improvements: Add more waypoints to the “Criptas Venenosas” to improve traversal. Consider adding a boss to this zone. 3. Character Rotation for Skins: When previewing skins, there should be instructions on the screen on how the player can rotate the character. Merry Christmas! Last edited by alfarichard#8779 on Dec 25, 2024, 9:38:05 PM Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 9:33:02 PM
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