Unable to access endgame content

How am I supposed to play the endgame when waystones do not drop? I have a 232% increase on the waystone drop rate and I did not get a single waystone for multiple map runs. I’m not going to play the game anymore; there is zero incentive if I complete the map and I don’t get a single waystone. The waystones are the currency y’all chose to add to gatekeep endgame content, so I am stuck running the tier 1 waystones that Doriyani sells?!? Like what’s the point? These should be dropping in copious amounts, I should have so many waystones I don’t know wtf to do with myself, two reasons a) it incentivizes the player to keep engaging with the game, providing a dopamine hit and a sense of reward b) it makes it so the players don’t have to go through some 3rd party website to pay them for waystones. I am just over it now personally, I’ve been playing the Atlas for a few days and the lack of waystone drops has me at a point where I’d rather play a different game - so that’s what I’ll do. I hope that GGG increases the rate at which these items drop (and I hope I hear about it) and then I’ll consider coming back to play, otherwise it feels like a massive disappointment and has ruined my enjoyment. I’m glad I didn’t buy any MTXs (cosmetics and a portal maybe) for Christmas (and this is the reason why ^)… not gonna buy stuff for a game which doesn’t even let me progress in a quest line because I can’t get a tier 3 waystone to drop… like not even a high level waystone FFS
Last edited by IMDrewDruc56#9623 on Dec 27, 2024, 1:56:08 PM
Last bumped on Dec 27, 2024, 3:22:41 PM
are you certain you havent hid them in your filter, in my experience they drop ALOT...
I’ve ran more maps, used more yellow waystones, and they are not dropping. I checked the filter and I don’t have them filtered - just am despised by the rng Gods I suppose. I think there should be a Guaranteed drop upon completion of a map. If not then it’s not a skill issue but a “dumb luck” issue; however since this is all based in a digital environment, dumb luck amounts to no more than a number or rule somewhere in some line of code that determines the drop rate. I don’t even care about tier but one completed map run should (imo) = one waystone… otherwise this is just miserable, I have a bunch of hours in the game and the game is fantastic - but it’s like I’m making no progress into the Cataclysm’s Wake quest line… it’s not fun.

They could also have Doryani sell the higher tier waystones you need to complete quests as well….

Just ran another Teir V waystone (I have %20 in Higher Tier waystones passive) completed the map, no deaths - there was a tier II and tier 4 waystone drop - so I used a tier 5 map to get a tier 2 and tier 4 waystone ?!? Make it make sense - how is there not a guaranteed tier 5 waystone drop!? It makes me feel like I wasted the forking thing

Just found out I can use reforging bench to upgrade waystones (credz Google/PC Gamer)… still seems expensive and costly. A guaranteed drop rate upon completion would ensure that the player has enough to craft up to a higher level, or having to buy stacks from Doryani (if the rate would be to much to change - like at least make it so people can just buy the freaking things from Doryani based on what level they’ve gotten to in Cataclysms wake )
Last edited by IMDrewDruc56#9623 on Dec 27, 2024, 6:11:51 PM

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