Proper Guild Stash History Tracking
The guild stash has a very odd way of tracking history. Ive tried building a spreadsheet to visualize our guilds stash history, however I'm running into some issues with how the stash logs.
Basically there's one major root problem, and that's the action type "modified" that appears in the guild stash log. There is no way to tell if this modification actually increased the total amount of items on a stack, decreased it, or if stuff was just reorganized. On top of that, when one of these actions occurs, sometimes the log will display it as a removal + modification, addition + modification, or just plain modification, sometimes in different order. There is no consistency when someone splits directly within the guild stash, or splits directly to their inventory. I tried to keep a historical count of total specific items that I wanted to track, such as runes, exalted orbs, etc, but because of this inconsistent behavior I really am having trouble tracking the quantities properly based on the log output. Adding to stash item stack directly = MODIFICATION Splitting from stash item stack, and depositing to inventory directly = MODIFICATION ??? Adding item to stash, then combining stacks = Addition + MODIFICATION Splitting item stack within stash, then moving to inventory = MODIFICATION + Removal Splitting item stack within stash, and moving it elsewhere within stash = MODIFICATION + Addition Splitting item stack within stash, moving it elsewhere within stash, then moving to your inventory, = MODIFICATION + Addition + Removal How does this make any sense? Anytime something goes in or out of the stash, it should be logged as an addition or removal, regardless if it was added or split from an already existing stack. Any suggestions on how I can work around this? Below example I had 8 Mind Runes already in the stash. I split the stack of 8, into 2 4's, leaving both stacks in the stash. The net value of the Mind runes within the stash didnt change, yet it counts in the log as me modifying 4 runes, then adding 4. I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to keep track of this modification + addition actually just being a stack split. Last edited by Sensei#7018 on Dec 25, 2024, 5:16:33 PM Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 4:56:22 PM
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