All I Want For Xmas Are Waystones

Dear GGG,

Why are higher tier waystones never dropping? The quest wants me to keep doing higher tiers, but the vendor won't sell any waystones. I am running maps with over 200% increased chance for waystones to drop, I'm spec'd into the Atlas tree for a chance of higher tier maps, and I am never finding any higher tier stones, they're actually always lower tier, most often 2 tiers lower than the tier level of stone being attempted.

My build is crushing these low tier maps, but I am not getting enough waystones to continue playing and progressing. I'm always having to go back to low tier maps, not because I'm dying, but simply because there are not any waystones dropping! Even when I boost the waystone rarity to over 200%+ increased chance for waystones to drop...THEY ARE STILL NOT DROPPING.

This makes me NOT want to play the game at all, knowing I will be gatekept when I get to the end game, after I've spent 100 hours building a character that can complete high tier waystones......only to never have a waystone drop with 200+% increased chance for them to drop...............................

Please fix this or I won't be playing/supporting this amazing game anymore.
Last bumped on Dec 25, 2024, 10:09:52 AM
It is definitely the case. I also used to buy waystones. Basically to solve the problem you need to take the highest stone, exalt” it 3 times, corrupt and go with this way stone to an upgraded map plus 1 or +2, and use lower stones for towers and ect. It goes without saying, that such methodology is quite irritating .
I walk past them all the time without knowing it cause we have no loot filter. I have to retrace my steps on EVERY map, Ill
often find a waystone I didnt see the first time through.

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