Completed a lost tower but cant put in Precursor Tablet

So far I have only completed 2 lost towers in my map.

These 2 towers are in a close vicinity.

I have successfully activated a precursor tablet on my first Tower.

The second tower I completed is not letting me put in a precursor tablet. The tower says "map completed". The UI doesn't even show a box for me to put in a tablet. But when I go back to the first tower, the UI shows up and it lets me put a tablet in, when I put in a tablet in the first tower, it tells me activation failed which makes sense because I already activated a tablet.

It seems like the towers flipped because the second tower I completed wont let me put in a tablet but the first tower still shows the UI to place a tablet inside.

I've seen a few players in the forums that have this issue but seems like it was never taken care of. Please help.

Reference ID: 708,138,732
Last edited by LeumasKrap#3086 on Dec 25, 2024, 8:36:58 AM
Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 6:12:47 PM
I'm having two bugs as well with my first two towers

bug: tower 1: "activation failed. invalid map specified"
i had a precursor in this tower, then i died with friends not on my map, and i think that reset it. I click it

bug: tower 2: can't do anything with completed tower
I completed a tower. Clicked it at the end and it lit up it said: "in progress" for some reason.
On the map, the tower is lit up, but not fully. why? The first tower I went to has a beam going straight up. This tower is glowing, but no beam. But it is unlike lost towers I haven't went to, which are not going.
I went to the burning monolith briefly as well, which was right next to it. I don't remember if noticed this bug before or after that.
then, i opened a new map. and the tower now is burning brightly. says completed. but i can't put a tablet in, and i can't enter again either. I click the lost tower, and nothing happens

also posted about this here:
I just posted above. Ok, my "bug 1" tower issue went away. It seems that after the issue with tower 2 started, now the issue with tower 1 is gone.

also, it seems that "bug 2" is related to the lost tower being connected to another tower (burning monolith)
Got the exact same bug today. Kinda annoying I was looking forward to juicing up some towers as a noob
Same bug

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