[Controller][Feedback] Twin-Stick Shooter Grenade-Style Manual Aiming

The current controller support in the game is, frankly, really really good but could do better. I'm sure some or most existing bugs have been covered, but I wanted to provide some feedback on the state of aiming with a controller. The current system of auto-aim can be, to put it lightly, infuriating. My mage, for example, insists on casting Frost Wall behind the enemy backline while being mauled to death by 5 melee enemies. In my opinion, the remedy to this is quite simple - adopt a Twin-Stick Shooter (grenade) style control scheme for aiming since those games solved this issue a long time ago.

Currently, moving the right analog stick causes the aim reticle to move in a certain direction as long as the stick is tilted in that direction, with what I perceive as a dead-zone where the aiming reticle is held at an absolute position on the map irrespective of player position. This is an extremely difficult way of aiming in the context of this game. Since (as far as I have seen) all skills have a maximum range within which they can hit anyways, it would be far simpler to have the XY deviation from zero of the right analog stick directly correspond to a position on the screen relative to the character. With sensitivity + deadzone sliders, it will be possible for players to do PoE equivalent of flick shots with relatively little practice.

Edit: Edited/rephrased for clarity.
Last edited by NeoChaos12#6060 on Dec 31, 2024, 4:14:45 AM
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 12:59:09 PM

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