When are we expected to get our BOUGHT Supporter Pact Looks?

I could not buy the pack I wanted on the PS Store for PoE2, so, I bought it through the webpage. When will I be able to use the Thaumaturge Of The Vaal Pack on PSN console?

What's the timeline here,

-Bauchie Poestis
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 3:59:27 AM
Unfortunately, all purchases made on PC/Xbox are not available on Playstation, and vice versa. This was announced a few weeks ago in this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3586288

So your options are: 1) switch to PC or 2) explain the situation to GGG support and request a refund. Keep in mind that they are currently flooded with requests and it's the holiday season, so they might not respond for a few days.

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