My "Do better, GGG" List
These are the things that I shake my head at and wonder how they made it through to even early access...
Before I give that list, I want to say that the early game has been amazing and I've loved it. The game has a lot of potential. I also played thousands of hours of POE 1 and have spent a few hundred bucks on MTX so I'm not some new guy that hasn't loved and supported GGG in the past. I also will be ignoring anyone that responds with the typical low IQ trolls like "git gud" or "Skill issue". As far as I'm concerned those people should be banned from the forums and global chats. That said, onto the list. - Ability to fast travel to temple of chaos and not trial of sekhemas. Why do I have a button for one and not the other? - Inability to travel to hideout from certain places. Why should I have to waypoint to some other place to then waypoint to my hideout? - Armor... come on guys, you had a chance to finally get it right with a new version but decided to botch armor yet again. If 75% fire is a 75% fire mitigation then 75% armor should be a 75% physical mitigation. Why make something so simple so hard? - Honor.... My god, honor.... Start with 2700 honor, get hit once with over 50% honor resistance and lose 1000 honor.... need I say more? - Waystone drops. Please explain this to me like I'm a 5yo... I run yellow waystones with over 300% increased drop chance, 40% chance of higher tier and 100% increased rarity of waystones found in maps.... Some maps I get ZERO waystones and others I get 5 or 6. The issue with the 5 or 6 is that I'm in a tier 8 and getting tiers 2-4 with maybe a tier 5 thrown in. I then upgrade them all and am now about out of waystones. Doryani doesn't update his inventory like Kirac did. I could literally buy a bunch of maps and do a mission and then buy more. There is also no other end game content to do other than maps to get waystones in and I refuse to run campaign levels for tier 1s and 2s. - Map missions are missing. It was such a big part of POE 1 for a lot of people to have Kirac missions, why were they not seemingly put in POE 2 on early release? - Currency drops... I'm lucky to get one exalt every 4 or 5 maps at best. Seeing as that is the default base currency in trading, to buy a single tier 8 waystone from a player i would have to do roughly 40 maps to get enough exalts. - RNG inconsistency. Me and my buddy have basically the same setup and he seems to get things like waystones and exalts at a rate of about 10:1 that I do consistently. This isn't a "today he got more than me" this is a he has gotten more than me since launch. - Biome labels. Sure you can look at the biome and maybe think that is grass or swamp or whatever but it would be a hell of a lot easier if the map simply said what biome it is in. Is that grassland? I don't know it looks like it could be touching the swamp too. More info is better. - Map back tracking is TERRIBLE! Long linear style map and you missed a yellow in a tiny offshoot at the start? Sucks to be you, you get to run that whole map back to the start to complete it. - Crashes in maps means you lose your fog of war. If you are 50% of the way through a map and the game crashes, when you come back the fog of war is reset and you now have to re-explore everywhere you already were to see the map again. - Party balancing is WAY off. I fight a cruel boss during regular progression (not going back at some ungodly high level) in 25 seconds. I join a party with a friend and do the normal version of the boss and it takes us 4 minutes or more. He then does the same boss solo and kills it in about 90 seconds. So how does me being able to kill a cruel version in under 30 seconds and him able to kill the normal version in 90 seconds equal both of us taking over 4 minutes on a normal? How is that balanced in any way? - Atlas point system. Why did you stick the atlas points 2 at a time behind a do 10 or 8 or whatever number amount of maps? Was the original version of giving us an atlas point for completing a previously uncompleted atlas map too convenient? If I'm not getting decent waystone drops, I'm stuck doing low level waystones not getting exp to get enough waystones to maybe upgrade to the tier i need to get 2 more points. - Random Instant deaths. This is much better in POE 2 than it was in POE 1 but it is still there and it feels terrible to instantly die and not know what it was that killed you so that you can mitigate it in the future. At the very least, tell us what killed us. - Lose map on death. This needs to get crumpled up, put through a shredder 10 times, fed to a barn animal then lit on fire after they defecate it back out. Who thought it would be a good idea to give us 8 portals just like POE 1 and then close them all once you die? Like getting waystones drops isn't an issue for anyone and losing exp wasn't enough of a punishment... - Reviving team mates... someone over there needs a wake up call on this I think. There needs to be some major changes to how this works. First off when it was bad enough to begin with, someone made it worse by patching in a distance change. I could revive a friend from any distance as long as I could see him. Then someone said "nope!" and reduced the range to almost standing on top of them... ok... that's fine... IF the system wasn't 1000% cancer to begin with. The time it takes is stupidly long and inconsistent (It takes different amounts of time at any given moment for no real reason), any hit you take resets the incredibly long and inconsistent timer. You hear the You can have any two of fast, cheap, reliable but not all 3? The revive system gives you none of the above. The timer needs to either be significantly shorted or non-staggering hits shouldn't reset the timer. Fix it! - My final complaint is the delay to release early access due to MTX related issues... Then log in and find that 99% of my MTX isn't available anyway.... why the delay surrounding MTX when almost none of it is available anyway? Some of this stuff makes me wonder how much play testing went into this before releasing it in early access. Last edited by Vindomire#7994 on Dec 24, 2024, 5:25:22 PM Last bumped on Dec 24, 2024, 5:25:03 PM
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"- My final complaint is the delay to release early access due to MTX related issues... Then log in and find that 99% of my MTX isn't available anyway.... why the delay surrounding MTX when almost none of it is available anyway?"
Actually my understanding is that the delay was caused by having to set up the backend to prevent you from losing your link to MTXs in the first place. It was being able to have your accounts in PoE1 and 2 autolinked from the start. It wasn't about graphical transfers, it was about integration of the raw data. |
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Two more that i forgot about:
- Not able to release when you die in a party to respawn at the closest checkpoint. If the party splits up it is ridiculous that they have to run all the way to someone who died because they can't release and MUST be revived. - Performance/Cooldown Timers. This is mostly noticed in party play. First off the performance is really bad. I have a 5600X with a 3070 and i have it running DLSS Performance and still constantly dip below 30 fps. When this happens it seems like the cooldown timers are fps tied? I can have a 0.75s reload become 2 seconds when the performance tanks like this. |
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I respectfully believe this thread should read "Do better, GGG".
Because "Let's eat grandma" is not the same as "Let's eat, grandma". |
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" I'm good with both of those statements if grandma is hot enough ;) Edited, Happy now? Last edited by Vindomire#7994 on Dec 24, 2024, 5:25:37 PM
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