Quality of life - but Skins and Hideout
I know the game is still in the beginning and the focus is not on drip and feeling but more on bug finding and balancing. I still want to adress a few things I found during my playtime that i belive could bring a little quality of life from a fewpoint of a customer. Playerhomes are very nice and i can understand that content for them is ( as stated above) not the main focus. And its not the decore i want to talk about but more the traveling to it. I would love to have the option to replace the town with my or my guilds huide out. With a click in the option im nolonger traveling to the town with the portal but to the hideouts. Next thing is directly related to a cosmetic. The Flying anymation from the 100€ is dope but sadly its bound to the chest. It would be cool to have it in the boots slot and can be combined with other skins. Talking about skins. I really enjoy the artwork of some base armor and weapons and think its sad i cant keep them. It would be cool to have an item in the €Store to turn a normal item into a skin so i can keep it. Basicly a transmog. I know its nowhere near the prio list but since i paid a fair amount of money i thought i could atleast adress it. marry christmas Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 11:14:03 PM
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