Reaching level 40 - first impressions and some suggestions
Hi there, I will like to leave some feedback to halp the game improve:
These are the things I find could be better: 1.) Inventory is too small - I don´t liek to run to the town every few minutes tu unload items.. we went through this in Diablo and WOW and they understood that increasing the invetory is not a bad thing and removing lot´s of quest items, reagents etc can make the game more fun so my suggestions: - add a function to directly dischant/salvage items in the inventory - skill gems and all the skill related things could just be in a secondary bag meant for them and also all the crafting materials so means make a second bag and remove them from the items inventory to make it a bit organised.. quest items could be just 1x1 size or not there at all ... 2.) Overall difficulty inbalance - new player moving forward on normal* WHile clearing mob I can one shoot them pretty much all the time but entering a boss room things rapidly change and I become the one that is randomly one shooted. The difficulty increases like 100x ... it´s very frustrating and some bosss are unkillable without help of someone else. After 20 deaths and some like 10% boos Hp left it really only comes down to turn off the game.. returning +5 levels yealds same results and exp does not grow anymore in that area and the boss is holding progress so I can´t progress further thus I can´t play .. very frustrating. had to ask 3 times to kill a boss ... Babala, Titan and some monster king in act 2 .. unkillable for a new character. Each of the bosses has a few 1 hit kill abilities .. cna you reduce those to take like 50% life instead? After act 3 killing some monkey in the jungle which took me half an hour .. and a few deaths I feel liek I can´t face any more bosses in a day. The feeling is already anxiety. I played lots of games before but this is unnecessarily hard when you are just leveling up and gearing up and this should be like the progress through the storyline but it´s like .. if noone is online or willing to help I guess I cna jsut uninstall it because after 10 deaths I each taking 10 minutes I don´t feel like I want to go to another torture. Very super frustrating I don´t know what is the purpose and why it´s so hard. Items especialyl weapons dropping are so bad that I was running till lvl 25 with my drop from lvl 10.. Scale the bosses down by 50 on normal to make it enjoyable and not a nightmare. it really feels like nightmare difficulty and not normal. Should be hard but not that hard especially when it´s the beginning. At this point I will probably always ask for someone to kill the boss and jsut wait it up. 3) Quest details - please write more info where and what to do .. some or many quests miss basic info and one should not need to ask or google what to do and where to go.. 4) Skill Refund - make it free untill people reach like level 40 .. firstly many things are not explained and many things need to be tested and with the lack of money that a learning prson has in the game refunding 10 points is just too expensive and the mistakes happen a lot. This is not serious but it could be more forgiving. Not sure why there is any cost at all .. one shoudl be able to switch it as needed.. 5) jewels .. so far I found 1 ... increase drop rate? Same with orbs that make magic to rare .. I think I only found 1 aswell so far ... 6) is there an ORB that can reroll magic items with ranom prefixes and suffixes? Like from 1 can roll even 3 etc ? If no please add it :) 7) Is there a gallery of all items, orbs, runes, jewels, charms, legendary weapons etc that one can lsit through to learn what is in the game and what is it used for? Something liek Diablo has Arreat summit? Anencyclopedia of items, skills and even mechanics in the game? That would be cool and would answer a lot of my questions. I played PoE1 but mostly I come from Diablo 2. Both games are nice and I wish this to replace Diablo 2 for me. Feels like it could. Did you thought about adding rune words to the game and socketable items up to 6 sockets? :) and nice jewels that can be put into item sockets that can have very random properties? Still need to explore the game and get more hours in .. and hope you lower the boss damage so it´s not that frustrating in "normal" (nightmare) difficulty Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 9:10:23 PM
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