Feedback thus far, Copy

Copied from reference:

"Design/Gameplay Feedback:
1) Continue innovating FPS technology, this category is in the science graphics card technology. Default settings FPS was going up and down from 120+ to 20 or lower when I had graphics power saver on, (a lot of power saving settings are by Windows default these days!). Anyway I have an older gaming PC, which I understand is most likely the majority of my issues. Resolved by disabling power saver on g-card, and turning Vsync on and using some lower settings. The game tends to get hammered by lots of effects, (this would be a primary LONG TERM research area), as well as general encounters throughout the game. Just some ideas to remember here, nothing specific! As you probably know best! (:

2) Server can change based on who enters an area first, via grouping party. If we select US Realm, for example, and we host the group, then it should ALWAYS be based on the hosts realm, and not per who zoned in first. This brings to mind the following (see 2A) below:
2A) In the group listing, allow a filter by realm option. I'd like to see groups with the lowest latency. Side question, I do not think that Open NAT helps this game with how many groups you see? If open NAT would show more groups in the listing available, then by all means I would ensure that my NAT was open! Which brings to mind, wouldn't PS5 want open NAT anyway? How would that affect the game then from the console point of view vs PC, as I think we all group together now IIRC from POE 1? I do not know, consider however, explaining continued in design below in 3)...
3) More emphasis on smoother grouping! The idea goes into the design level, what can be done to make grouping smoother, maintain full groups, and fill empty spots as easy as possible?
4) A guild finder tool?
5) PVP!
6) Inventory (Stash) sort, which would auto stack shards. Search highlight tabs containing items that match the search query string.
7) Passive skill tree save template, refund all, smoothening of build swapping.
8) Listing items for trade 1 by 1 is time consuming, maybe a dropdown option upon listing, "List all items of the same?", as you're list one? Just an idea!
9) Buffer overflow error Windows:
Set the game as high priority and received 2 buffer over flow errors, not sure if it was due to high priority or not?
10) Groups listed with "players 5/6" have never been joinable. It says error: "Your party is full."
Last edited by TeambuilderApp#0670 on Dec 22, 2024, 5:24:57 PM
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 5:14:22 PM

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