Console Party Playing Experience, rewarding? Fair? Not right now.
So for background, I am playing on an xBox with another console player who is on PlayStation. They are about 10 levels lower than me and for our default allocation we have permanent allocation and level downscaling enabled and I was party lead. I fully understood I would receive the lower level experience. What I did not expect is that when I get magic or rare drops and I find out my bag is full when I touch them, that the items would become free for all. I lost a bit of my magic and rares this way. When we are playing together and zooming along, we should not have to worry about who is picking up what. An item should be yours in the instance it dropped in until the instance closes or you picked it up into your inventory and then dropped it yourself. If we want to share items, we will sort them out later after we have done with our run and either direct trade, drop trade, or place them in the guild stash. As it is, it seems like the normal amount of items are being split between the party members and are not given the same amount of random chance drops for each member typical of other games that have party play. So on top of the experience penalty, and the “I lost an item to full inventory auto free-for-all auto-allocation” penalty, we are penalized on drops too. Also, the items go free-for-all when you go to town to sort your inventory another unfair loss of items. The only positive was helping a friend and being able to break down gear for mats as my reward, and that last part was penalized as stated above. Really, all I did was help my friend, which is nice, but I got very limited reward for my play time, which is sporadic and limited as well. To add to this, some items seemed to be available to both of us and we also both have skills assigned to the interact button to take advantage of the valuable input real-estate of a controller, which leaves us both having to wait for there to be no enemies on screen before we can pick up an item that may or may not be solely yours. I know it is important that the assigned skill is dominant over the interact feature, but my point is PC members will be able to pick them up while we are still waiting to clear enemies off the screen. Please fix this experience so party play is rewarding and fair for all members.
TLDR: Make permanent allocation item drops permanent to instance. - no full-inventory item pick up auto-allocating to free-for-all item. - no items turning free for all when leaving the map, still logged in, and instance still open/available. - some items still appeared available to both of us multiple times and on a controller, double assigned interact and combat skill dominance (dominance not the issue) means pc users easily pick up items before console users, fixes above take care of this issue. Item drops: - Same number of randomized drops for each member when permanent allocation is chosen. Party Options: - lock group affected options per party session and/or changes behind party vote. Thank you for reading and great game! I am having fun with my invoker ice monk! Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 3:38:34 PM
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