Constant lag and freezing on PS5

As I'm sure many others have reported, the overall performance on PS5 is really bad. Constant freezing, lagging and drops in FPS both playing single player and multiplayer. Strangely these issues were nowhere near as bad for me before all the patches and hotfixes started rolling out, but now it is so consistently bad that I have got used to queuing 2 or 3 button inputs before my characters respond. Really needs to be addressed urgently.
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 11:31:28 AM
Second this. The game is basically unplayable on PS5. It will randomly drop to somewhere around 1 FPS and constantly say GAME PAUSED even though it’s not.
Also FWIW, disabling “Dynamic Resolution” in the options seems to fix the problem.
Very few lags if you do not play with minions and set resolution in 1080 .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Eigentlich müsste man die 30 Euro zurück erstattet bekommen. Zumindest als ps5 Spieler. Denn lieber werden nerfs und PC basierte bugfixes durchgeführt, als sich mal an den Konsolen Bugs zu wagen. Söldner ist nicht spielbar, denn sobald man mehr als eine Granate zündet, ist die framerate so mies, dass man nicht weiter spielen kann. Hinzu kommen die endlos langen ladebildschirme und die ständigen verbindungsabbrüche beim Reisen in die Stadt.
Gruppenspiele sind auf der ps5 nicht möglich, wegen diesem Problem. Wenn das Spiel nicht so bocken würde, wäre es längst deinstalliert.
With dynamic resolution off, set to 1080p and without playing minions my FPS drops to completely unplayable levels during breach, delirium and the fourth floor of trial of the sekhima.

It is infinitely worse if I am playing with my buddy. We experience rubber banding all over the map as well as FPS as low as what feels like 5 during these league mechanics.

My buddy is on xbox, I am on PS5 and we experience huge FPS drops and rubber banding at the exact same times. Server issue? Optimisation?
Poe1 war zum Ende hin schon nicht spielbar, wieso sollte sich das jetzt ändern? Der Fokus liegt klar auf PC. Konsolen sind reine Geld generier Maschinen. Die 30 Euro haben die im Sack.
Da soll mal noch einer über Blizzard schimpfen. Die berücksichtigen wenigstens die Konsole in allen Bereichen. Das was ggg hier abliefert, ist ein absolutes no go
Thanks for the replies/support. I'll try disabling dynamic resolution tonight. I tried turning various different settings on/off/up/down to no avail but maybe I didn't try this. Hopefully the game/servers for PS5 can be better optimised. Loving the game aside from the performance.
I just started POE on console, never really played it before and each time I enter the Lower Prison in Act I the game freezes and I have to force close it.

Is this normal at this point, meaning should I just delete the game and move on?

Seems like something I'd love but it's very frustrating.
If GGG does not address the issue on the ps5 being absolutely unplayable they better issue a refund to every single person who spent $40.00 to sit on a screen that says game paused until you die. This is ridiculous.

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