Turn tower map layout into lighthouse like layout - Suggestion

Towers could be turn into lighthouse layouts with floors 2x the size of a boss room. (maybe 3x)

-Number of floors is determined by the map tier ( T1-T5 has 7 floor, T6-T10 has 9... and so on) or (T1 - 3 floor, T2 - 4 floor, T3 5 floor... and so on)
-You clear the floors and climb the tower
-As towers get taller they reveal more map are and has bigger radius once completed
-Tier 1-5 towers has 1 tablet slot use, tier 6-10 2 slots and 11-rest 3 slots
-Number of towers could be reduced to compensate for tower area over stacking
-Players will be encouraged to run them higher tiers now rather than using t1 maps
-It gets harder as you climb higher? (maybe)
-Last floor has a random boss?
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 5:55:47 AM

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